Season 3, Chapter 20

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Summer 1985~

Nova was lounging at the Hawkins pool, thinking about everything that's happened since the Snowball. Her, Steve and Billy graduated, Billy and Nova bought a house together with the money she got from her inheritance in her parent's will. She also got a car, a '64 Ford Mustang Coupe...

Now, her boyfriend wasn't the only one to have nice wheels

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Now, her boyfriend wasn't the only one to have nice wheels. She got a job at the new Starcourt mall called Scoops Ahoy!. It was an Ice cream parlor, and her co-workers were Steve Harrington and a girl still in high school, Robin Buckley. She was off today so she decided to chill out at the pool. She was torn out of her thoughts when a shadow fell over her. She smiled as she noticed it was her boyfriend. He was in his lifeguard gear and grinning down at her, "Well, hello doll." "Hello there, Mr. Lifeguard. Have I done something wrong?" Billy grinned, "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to follow me and... change. That outfit is too revealing to wear around the children."

Nova mock gasped, "Oh dear! I didn't realize. Of course, sir! Lead the way." Billy took her hand and led her to the showers in the back for privacy and began kissing her deeply once they in a stall. Nova moaned and jumped up, wrapping her legs around Billy's waist. He grabbed her ass when she did what she did, causing her to groan. He ground his hips against her core and they both moaned. She reluctantly broke the kiss and attacked his earlobe with nips and kisses. He groaned and put her down and removed his trunks as she removed her bikini bottoms...

{[Sorry, I am lousy at writing smut so there will be none...]}

Nova was a panting mess after they finished. Billy wasn't much better as he brought her into another kiss before they put their bathing suits back on. Nova grinned and kissed Billy again before leaving the stall first and heading back out to the pool to grab her stuff. She flipped off the jealous looks she got from the moms and yelped when Billy grabbed her hips and whispered in her ear, "I'll see you at home, ok?" Nova smiled warmly, "Ok, Love you." Billy smiled back, "Love you too." Nova kissed his cheek and left the pool to go to her car. She got in and took off for home.

Max lived with them after her mom went off the deep end and lost custody of her

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Max lived with them after her mom went off the deep end and lost custody of her. Seems she was just as crazy as Neil was. Especially when she was drunk. Billy filed for custody of his sister and won after Max's mom, Susan, arrived to the hearing drunk. Nova pulled into the driveway, being careful to not hit Max, who was skateboarding. Nova parked just outside of the garage and smiled as she spotted Max coming towards her as she got out of the car. "Hey lil' sis!" Max smiled, "Hey big sis! How was Billy?" Nova just grinned, "He's good. Being fawned over by the local mothers as usual." Max made a gagging noise and Nova agreed. Max and Nova went inside and settled down to watch a movie.

Nova looked at Max, "You excited for tomorrow when Dustin comes back? I know that the party hasn't been quite the same without Dustin." Max nodded, "Yeah. We're actually planning something for him tomorrow. But I wanted to know if it was ok to go to the mall tonight. Everyone wants to go see the Night of the Living Dead movie." Nova nodded, "Yeah that sounds fine with me. Just remember, don't get caught and if you do, blame Steve." They both laughed and hugged before they went back to watching the movie.

That Evening~

Billy groaned as he parked his car next to Nova's and got out. He saw that Max's bike was missing and smirked, that meant it was just him and Nova in the house... or his sister finally put her bike in the garage, which he doubted. He unlocked the front door and went inside. He smelled something amazing coming from the kitchen and went for it. He smiled when he saw Nova cooking her famous chicken n' dumplings and hugged her from behind. Nova was startled but relaxed when she realized who it was that was hugging her. She turned around and kissed Billy, "Welcome home. Max left to go to the mall to see a movie with the party."

Billy grinned and kissed Nova's neck, "So... then it's just you and me?" Nova nodded and smirked, "How about we eat first before we play?" Billy sighed and nodded, "I need a shower anyways. Wash off all the old lady stares." Nova laughed aloud at that and went back to cooking as Billy left to go shower. A few minutes later, he comes back and smiles as he sees that Nova was setting the table. She smiled at him and fixed herself a bowl of food before she sat down. He fixed himself a bowl and sat down next to her. They talked as they ate, "Have we become domesticated?" Billy snorts, "Just wait until tonight and i'll show you how un-domesticated I am." Nova grinned, "Ooh, don't threaten me with a good time." She winks at him and he just grinned at her.

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