Chapter 26

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As Nova was rushed to the hospital, Max and Eleven rode in the ambulance with her as Orchid followed behind with the boys in the mustang. They reached the hospital in record time and the paramedics rushed Nova into the hospital, Doctors in tow. A nurse leads both Eleven and Max to a waiting room. Max tells the nurse of their friends that were following behind and the nurse promises to send them to the same waiting room. Soon enough, Orchid and the boys arrive at the waiting room where Max and Eleven were waiting. Max latched onto Lucas and started crying. Lucas holds Max tightly as he tears up in worry for the girl that felt like a big sister to the whole party.

Orchid sat down and sighed softly. She gasped suddenly and thought of something. "Oh my gosh! Jonathan and Joyce! They need to know about Nova. You kids stay in here, I'm going to go find a phone." The kids nodded and Orchid left to go find a phone. As she looked, she quite literally bumps into Jonathan and a girl, "Jonny!" Jonathan looked confused, "Orchid? What are you...? Is that blood on your leg?" Orchid didn't look she just slumped to the floor and cried. Jonathan looked extremely worried now, "What happened?" Orchid shook her head and got up, "Not here." She took Jon's hand and dragged him to the waiting room where Will launched himself at his brother and started sobbing.

The girl looked confused and worried, "What's going on? Mike?" Mike looked up, he had been crying to, "Nancy!" He rushed over to his sister and hugged her tightly. Orchid closed the door and explained everything that happened to Jonathan and Nancy. Jonathan looked angry and ill as Nancy had tears in her eyes. Jonathan looked at Orchid, "Is she...?" Orchid shook her head, "They literally just wheeled her back to get looked over. We don't know anything yet." As if on cue, A doctor walked up to them and opened the door. Everyone looked at the doctor, Jonathan spoke up first, "Is my cousin going to be ok?" 

The doctor sighed, "She incredibly lucky to be honest. She's suffered a massive contusion on the back of her head that gave her a severe concussion. She'll have to be here a few days but, otherwise... she's going to be fine. Nothing's broken or fractured thankfully. Can one of you tell me what happened?" Orchid frowned, "She was attacked in the sauna. He ran when he heard Lucas scream for help." The doctor frowned, "Do you know the guy who attacked her?" Orchid shook her head, "I'm from Texas. Nova and these people are the only ones I know. I think he said his name was... William, I think.. I'm not sure." The doctor nodded, "Okay. She's in room 104. You can see her but family only at this hour." Jonathan nodded, "Thank you."

The doctor left and Jon sighed in relief, "Jesus... Um... Will, you go in first with Max. Nancy, do what you came here to do and I'll be right behind you. Orchid..." "I'll stay and watch over the kids." Jonathan nods and leaves with Nancy as Will and Max go to room 104 to see Nova.

With Will, Max and Nova~

Max and Will cautiously enter the room and both nearly faint at the sight of Nova laying on the bed, sleeping. They walked over and each grasped a hand. Max watched as Will kissed Nova's forehead, causing said girl to groan and wake up. When Nova awoke, the first thing she saw was Will's face and then she saw Max's, "Wha...? What happened? Did it work?" Max sobbed as Will shook his head. Nova sighed and started to get up. Will and Max gently pushed her back down, "You need to rest! The doctor said you have a really bad concussion this time." Nova frowned at Max, "But..." Max shook her head, "No buts. He would want you to rest." Nova frowned and sighed, "F..." She stopped as they heard a familiar scream.

With Nancy and Jonathan~

Nancy and Jonathan made their way to check on Mrs. Driscoll and were surprised to find she wasn't in her room any longer. They heard their names being called and looked around, spotting their former boss, Tom Holloway and their former co-worker, Bruce Lowe. It was obvious that they had been flayed... or been through some shit. Nancy and Jonathan split up and Tom followed after Nancy as Bruce followed after Jonathan. Nancy fought with Tom as Jonathan fought with Bruce. Jonathan managed to kill Bruce and ran off to help Nancy. Nancy fought off Tom for a good while before Jonathan showed up to finish him off. They both panted and started walking away just as Tom and Bruce melted and fused together to become a monster. Nancy screamed as Jonathan ushered her away.

With the Kids and Orchid~

Mike heard Nancy scream and ran to find her, everyone following behind him. They ran into Jon and Nancy, Eleven managed to use her powers to send the mutated monster out through a window and into the parking lot. They watched as it got up and went to jump back in but stopped and ran off instead. They all sighed in relief as Orchid spit out, "What in the frack was that?!" Jonathan answered, "It used to be Tom Holloway and Bruce Lowe." Steps were heard coming towards them and they turned to see Will, Max and a still injured Nova standing there. 

Jonathan frowned, "What the hell? Why are you up and walking around?" Nova glared at Jonathan, "I heard Nancy scream and got worried for my friend. Now, tell what the heck happened on our way out. I'm not staying here if I can help it. Let's go." Nova limped away, Max and Will shrugged and followed after her. Orchid snorted, "Stubborn bitch. But she wouldn't be Nova if she wasn't." Orchid goes after her bestie, and everyone follows behind her.

Timeskip, at the Byers House~

Nova sighed as she sat on the couch and looked at everyone, "So, more people than we thought have been flayed then." Jonathan nodded, "Apparently so..." Nancy frowned, "What do we do?" Everyone shrugged, and Nova frowned, "I still say we need to get through to Billy somehow. He's the key to all of this. I just know it." Orchid frowned, "Oh no! You, missy! Are not going anywhere near him again. Not after what happened." Nova scowled as everyone agreed with Orchid, "I am fine. It was stupid to lock myself in there with him in the first place. That won't happen again."

Jonathan scoffed, "No, it won't. Cause you're not going anywhere near him. End of story." Nova grumbles out some colorful curse words before she sighs, "Fine, FINE! Can someone drive me home then? I wouldn't want to be a hindrance to anyone if I stayed here." Orchid sighed, "I'll drive you home. Just direct me there." Nova nodded and slowly got up, as to not get dizzy and walked out with Orchid. They get inside Nova's car and Orchid looks at Nova, "What's the plan?" Nova looked at Orchid with a smirk, "That's my girl. Just drive me home. My gut tells me that he's waiting there for me." Orchid nods, starts the car and Nova directs her back to the house she and Billy share.

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