Chapter 21

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The Next Morning~

As Nova slept next to her Billy, Joyce was picking up a friend of Nova's from the airport, Orchid Stanhope. The two had been friends since they were three years old and both Joyce and Orchid decided to surprise Nova with a summer long visit. Joyce saw Orchid and waved at her. Orchid waved back and rushed over to hug Joyce, "Long time no see stranger! How's little Will and Jonny-boy?" Joyce laughed as they walked out of the airport, "They're both good! Though I don't think Jonathan's girlfriend would appreciate you play-flirting with him." Orchid pouted, "Fine, take my fun away." Orchid giggles, "Good for him though." They both reached Joyce's car and put the luggage in before they themselves got in. Joyce started the car, pulled out of the parking space and drove off for home. 

Orchid looked around, "This looks like a nice place to live. So, tell me about Billy. What's he like?" Joyce tells Orchid what she knows about Billy and Orchid nods, "Okay so... he's a former ladies' man that fell head over heels for my girl, Nova? Nice." They spent the rest of the car ride talking and planning. Orchid was going to stay in Nova's old room at the Byers house while she stayed in Hawkins. They arrived shortly and Orchid smiled when she saw the Byers boys, "Hey Jonny-boy! Hi Will!"

Jon frowned in embarrassment and Will laughed, "Hey Orchid! I was just on my way out to meet up with the party. My friend Dustin is coming home from summer camp today!" Orchid pouted, "Aww... well, at least you waited to say hi at least." Will came over to Orchid and gave her a hug before leaving on his bike. Orchid smirked at Jonathan, which made said male sweat a bit. "So.... I heard that a certain Jonny-boy has a girlfriend?" Jonathan blushed and nodded, "Yeah, her name is Nancy Wheeler. She's... the best." Orchid gave him a genuine smile, "Good for you, Jon. You deserve happiness." Jon smiled back, "Thanks Orchid. Let me help you into the house with your stuff." Orchid smiled, "Thank you!"


Nova had woken up and showered before making breakfast that morning. She was still feeling a bit sore from last night's... activities. Her boyfriend was NOT domesticated in the bedroom, at all! Speaking of which, she felt her ass being groped before the hand and arm wrapped around her waist. She turned and was met with a kiss from her boyfriend, which she returned. They broke the kiss when they heard gagging noises coming from Max. "Oh gross! Get a room." Billy just grinned at the idea and Nova poked him, "No. I have to work and so do you. And you, Little Miss, need to eat something before you head over to Dustin's place to meet up with the party." Max rolled her eye but complied and grabbed some eggs and bacon.

Billy did the same and sat down at the table with his sister. Nova finished the last pancake and put it the plate before turning off the stove and bringing the plate over to the table. Billy and Max grab some pancakes and start eating. Billy swallowed his food as he watched Nova grab a pancake and nibble on it, "Not the hungry doll." Nova shook her head, "Not when I first wake up no. But... I haven't exactly felt good these past few days." Max frowned but a thought hit her, "Could you be... you know, pregnant?" Billy coughed after taking a bite of eggs and Nova's eyes widened, "No! They told me I couldn't have children after having the surgery." Max and Billy frowned at each other. Billy looked at Nova, "What do you mean?" Nova frowned and squirmed a bit. "I had endometriosis. I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 13. So... I can't have kids."

Billy frowned, "Why didn't you tell me?" Nova sighed, "I was going to but... I could never find the right time to do so. I'm sorry." Billy looked down at his plate and Nova sighed again sadly. Billy sighed, "I guess we better start saving up for when we're ready." Nova looked confused now, "Huh, why?" Billy just smiled as he got up to wash his plate, "Cause adoption is expensive." Nova's eyes widened and she just started smiling again. Max smiled too but frowned, "Then... do you think you're coming down with a stomach bug?" Nova looked at Max and shrugged, "Possibly. Anyways, time for me to go to work. Do you want me to drop you off or you going to take your bike over?" Max smiled, "Thanks for the offer but I'm going to take my bike." 

Nova nodded as she got up to leave. She walked over to Billy and kissed him, "You got this?" Billy nodded, "Yeah. Go on to work." "Alright! I'm off to work. See ya'll later!" She left the house, got into her car and drove off to Starcourt.

At Starcourt, Scoops Ahoy!~

When Nova walked into work, Robin was teasing Steve. Steve looked up and saw Nova, "Can you please tell this... child... that my hair is my best feature?" Robin looked offended, "Child?" Nova snickered, "Yeah, it used to be." Steve frowned and Robin laughed. Steve flipped Robin off before looking back over at Nova, "What do you mean used to be?" Nova just laughed and walked into the back and put her bag up. Steve sighed but spotted a really pretty girl walk into the parlor, assumably for the first time by the way she was looking around. Steve took off his hat and fluffed his hair, "Screw company policy." Robin gasped dramatically, "It's like you're a new man."

Steve gave her a glare that screamed, 'Shut up' and walked over to the girl. "Hello there! Would you, my pretty lady like to join me a flavor adventure?" The girl giggled and spoke in a valley girl accent, "Like, omigod! I would love to! But I'm looking for, like, my best gal pal!" There's a loud groan that could be heard from the back of Scoops. Nova comes out of the back and glares lightly at the girl, "Orchid, I swear to god... stop talking like that. Best friend or not, I will cause you pain." Orchid just laughs, "Yeah, but it was funny huh?" She rushes over to Nova and hugs her. Nova finally laughs and hugs her back. Nova brings Orchid into the back and they chat as Robin and Steve give each other a confused 'WTF' look. Robin then adds a tally to the 'YOU SUCK' side causing Steve to glare at her again.

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