Chapter 14

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Nova and Billy started off their date by jamming out to some music on the radio. 'Under Pressure' by Queen feat. David Bowie was playing. Nova was singing along and Billy was tapping the steering wheel. After the song was over, Billy turned down the radio and looked at Nova, "You getting hungry? I was told that this local diner had the best food in town." Nova giggled, "Yeah sure! Let's go! Wait, do you know where it is?" Billy just grinned, "Nope! But I have an idea. Let's go explore and find it." Nova nodded with a laugh, "Alright! Let the adventure date begin!" Billy laughed as they explored the town.

Nova pointed at something, "There! That looks like a diner to me!" Billy pulled into the parking lot and it was, indeed, the diner they were looking for. Billy got out and went over to open the door for Nova. Nova giggled and got out, kissing Billy's cheek once she was out. They walked up to the Diner's doors and Billy opened the door letting Nova go in first. Soon, they were shown to a booth and sat down to look at the menu. Nova looked it over, "I think I'll just go for a burger and fries with a cherry cola. What about you?" Billy looked at the menu, "Um.. I think I'll go for the same thing, just with cheese and a regular coke." The waitress returned and they gave their order to her and off she went.

Nova smiled, "This is a nice little spot. Who knew Hawkins had a place like this." Billy shrugged with a grin, "I didn't, that's for sure." Soon enough, their orders were ready and the waitress gave them their food. They both took a bite and Nova hummed, "This is a good burger!" Billy nodded, "And the fries are crisp and fresh." Nova smiled, "Good choice Billy!" Billy shook his head as swallowed a bite of his cheeseburger, "Nah, it was Bob's suggestion. I really owe him one." Nova grinned, "Good ole Bob!" They ate and finished their meal, talking the entire time. They got up and Billy paid for their meal just as Steve entered the diner. Nova saw him and Steve saw her. He smiled then saw Billy and frowned as he realized that the two were on a date.

Billy saw Steve and secretly smirked at him, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend's waist, causing Steve to glare lightly and ignore the couple as he picked up his order and left. Nova frowned, "What was up with him?" Billy just shrugged, "No idea. Maybe he's having a bad day?" Nova looked at Billy with suspicious eyes but sighed and decided to let it go so they could enjoy the day. They left the diner and started driving around town again. The radio was playing 'In the Air Tonight' by Phil Collins causing Nova to smile sadly, "This was my mom's favorite song. Her and my dad would dance together every time it came on the radio. Didn't matter what they were doing at the time either." Billy frowned and pulled over to look at Nova, "I'm sorry Nova. I know what it's like to lose a parent. I lost my mom when I was young. We used to enjoy going to our special place on the beach and she'd watch me surf for hours before we went home."

Nova frowned and hugged Billy tightly, who hugged tightly back. They both cried quietly for a moment before they broke the hug and drove off again. Nova sniffed and smiled as 'Rock you like a Hurricane' came on and grinned. Billy started tapping his hands to the beat and Nova giggled, "This one of your favorite songs too?" Billy nodded, "Yeah, my number one favorite." "Good to see you have good taste in music." They both laughed. They drove around for a while and Billy spotted a drive-in theatre, "Oh hey! Look." He points to the sign and see that they're playing a double feature: Children of the Corn and Dreamscape. Nova grinned, "Oooh! Let's go there! I've been wanting to see Children of the Corn!" Thankfully, it was late enough to be open and Billy pulled into the drive in. He bought two tickets for the double feature and parked in the back, giving them a good view of the entire screen.

Billy got out to grab them some drinks and popcorn just as everyone was coming to see the movies too. As Nova was sitting in the car, someone knocked on the window scaring her. She saw who it was and rolled down the window to smack the guy's shoulder, "Dammit Eddie! Why do you keep doing that?!" Eddie just laughed, "Just lucky, I guess. Nice shirt by the way." Nova smiled at her friend, "Thank you, ass." Eddie laughed again and started talking with Nova. Billy was walking back with drinks and popcorn and saw the guy from yesterday talking to Nova. He felt a bout of jealousy but pushed it down and continued walking to his car. He cleared his throat catching Nova and Eddie's attention.

Eddie grinned at Billy, "Hey man. I was just leaving." He looked at Nova, "See you around princess." Nova smiled at Eddie, "Just don't scare me next time, jerk!" Eddie laughed and left the couple alone. Billy watched as the guy left and sighed, handing Nova her drink and the popcorn before he went over to his side with his drink and got in. Nova was munching on the popcorn and grinned as the first movie started. Billy put his arm around Nova's shoulders and watched the movie with her.

It was dark when the first movie ended. Nova frowned, "Well.. that was good but different from the book." Billy looked at her, "Oh yeah?" Nova nodded, "Yeah, the book was honestly better. I'm going to the restroom real quick before the second movie starts." She leaned over and kissed Billy before leaving the car. As Billy waited, he saw that Eddie guy selling stuff out of him van in the far off corner and frowned. Hawkins had dealers, who knew. Nova came back after a few minutes and got back in the car. She saw Billy frowning, "What's wrong?" Billy pointed to where he was looking and she gasped, "Wow! I thought he was kidding when he said he was a dealer."

Billy let out a laugh, "Guess not." Just then, the second movie began to start and they both shifted and watched it. By the time it was over, Nova was grinning, "Ok! That one was great! I.. you ok Billy?" Billy grunted, "That.. wow. That was dark." Nova laughed, "Aww, did widdle Billy get scared?" Billy gave Nova a look and started tickling her. Nova laughed and squirmed before she begged him to stop. He kissed her deeply before they left the drive-in and he drove her home. He parked in the driveway and they both got out. They kissed again as they reached the front door and Nova let herself in and watched from the window as Billy started the car and headed home. Today was a good day in Nova's opinion.

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