Chapter 8

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Unbeknownst to Nova, Steve had spotted her the moment she arrived with Billy. Nancy looked over to where Steve was looking and saw Nova with Billy. She frowned up at Steve before taking another drink of her "punch". Steve watched as Billy left her side and looked down when she looked around. He looked up again when she apologized to a guy and started talking to him. Steve watched as the guy made her laugh and smile and felt a tightening in his chest, Was he growing feelings for Nova? No.. he couldn't. He had Nancy but.. he couldn't help but wonder if she(Nancy) actually loved him.. or Jonathan.

After saying goodbye to Eddie, she started walking towards Nancy and Steve again just as a cheer of victory was heard from out back where Billy was. "Ha! Take that Harrington! We got ourselves a new keg stand king! Forty-two!" Tommy H. holds Billy's arm up. Nova laughed and clapped for her date and decided to do something bold. She walks over to the boys, "I bet I can beat that record." The boys looked shocked before laughing, "No way a girl is gonna do a keg stand!" Bily grinned, "Now hold on, I wanna see if she can do it." Tommy H. looked at Billy in shock but didn't argue anymore.

The boys helped her up and she started drinking. After a bit, she couldn't stay up any longer but ended up beating Billy's record. "Holy shit! Sixty-three! We have a new keg queen!" All the guys cheered as Nova spit out the remaining foam and cheered with them. She looked into Billy's eyes and grinned, "Told ya." Billy grinned and grabbed her waist before kissing her deeply, causing her to kiss back and the guys to cheer again.

Steve was in shock as he watched what happened. Nova not only trampled his record but Billy's as well. And now she was kissing him! He sighed sadly and Nancy rolled her eyes before pushing away from him. She went over to the "punch" bowl and grabbed more but Steve tried to get her stop, which led to an argument and Nancy spilling "punch" all over her blouse. She yelped loudly which caused Billy and Nova to break their kiss and look at them. They watched as Nancy ran off to the bathroom and Steve went after her in pursuit.

Nova frowned at the plight of her friends but got distracted by Billy picking her up. She squealed in surprise before she started laughing, "Put me down Hargrove!" Billy just laughed and smacked her ass causing her to yelp. He let her down on the couch and sat next to her before kissing her again. Nova moaned lightly and kissed back. He broke the kiss and started kissing down her neck which made Nova groan but stop him, "If you wanna play like that, you're gonna have to wait until our third date buddy boy." Billy grinned and lightly kissed her lips, "Something tells me you're worth the wait." 

Nova smirked and was about to say something when she saw Steve run downstairs and outside upset. She frowned and looked at Billy, "I'll be right back." She kissed Billy before getting up and running after Steve. "Steve, wait!" She stumbled slightly as she ran after him to his car. Steve stopped and looked back at Nova, tears in his eyes. Nova saw this and hugged him. "What happened?" Steve pulled back from the hug. "She.. She said our relationship was bullshit. That everything was bullshit." Nova frowned, "Was she drunk?" Steve nodded, "Yeah but drunk words are sober thoughts."

Nova frowned and gasped when she felt an arm around her waist. She looked back to see Billy. Billy looked at Steve and Steve looked back, "I'm.. sorry about today Harring.. Steve. And I'm sorry about.. whatever is going on now." Steve looked at Billy in shock as Nova looked at him with pride. "Do you need a ride back home man?" Steve snapped out of it and shook his head. "No, i'm good. I didn't drink that much but Nancy.." Nova understood immediately, "We'll make sure she gets home safely. Right?" She looked up at Billy. Billy nodded, even though he didn't really want to, he couldn't resist Nova's pretty eyes and look.

Steve nodded, "Thanks and uh, Billy? I'm sorry too." Billy nodded as Steve got into his car and drove off. Nova sighed sadly, "What a mess." "Agreed. Let's go find your friend and take her home." Nova nodded and they both went into the house to retrieve Nancy. They finally found her, passed out on the bathroom floor. Billy carefully picked her up and walked downstairs with her, Nova right behind him. Nova opened the back door to his car and he laid Nancy down in the backseat. Billy closed the door and sighed again. "Well.. That was a hell of a first date." Nova chuckled, "Yeah, crazy. I have no idea where she lives. Let's just take her to my house so she can sleep it off." Billy nods and kisses Nova's lips as he gets into the driver's side. Nova hurries over to her side and gets in as Billy starts the car and drives back to the Byers house.


They arrive at the house and get out of the car. Billy, once again, picks up Nancy and walks with Nova up to the house and inside. Joyce and Bob look up and smile at Nova before they see Nancy passed out in Billy's arms. Joyce gets up, "What happened?" Nova speaks first, " She drank too much, had a bad fight with Steve and passed out in the bathroom." Billy nods as he places Nancy on the couch, "Yeah, neither of us knew where she lived, so Nova decided to take her here instead to sleep it off." Joyce smiled in relief, "Good. I'll go call her mother to let her know." Joyce walks to the phone and dials the Wheeler house. Bob covers up Nancy and turns to look at the two teens, "You both did good tonight." 

Nova smiles at Bob and Billy just nods. "I better go. I need to pick up Max from trick or treating." Nova looks at him and walks with him out of the house. Nova kisses Billy and Billy kisses back on the porch just as Jonathan arrives with Will and Mike, who was staying the night. They broke their kiss and said goodbye before Billy left in his Camaro to go find Max.

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