Chapter 5

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Nova smiled as the boys were yet again, listening to their fave song by The Clash. Will was humming to the song while Jonathan was tapping the steering wheel in time to the song. She giggled softly as you began to sing along to the song, making the brothers smile at you before joining you. They arrived at the house so Nova could change into some normal clothes and pick up Joyce as she was having trouble with her car. They all exited the car and entered the house. Joyce smiled at her kids, including Nova, but frowned when she saw Nova in gym clothes. "Why are you..?" Nova sighed and explained what happened to Joyce. 

Joyce sighed, "Really? I'm sorry that happened sweetheart." She hugged Nova tightly with love. Joyce moved away and told her to go change and she would call the school to let them know you would be with them instead of class. Nova nodded gratefully and went to her room to change into a AC\DC shirt, ripped jeans and a violet bandanna. She exited her room just as Joyce hung up with the school. Nova ruffled Will's hair, causing the boy to gripe and Jonathan to laugh. Joyce smiled happily and told everyone that it was time to go. 

They all piled into Jon's car. Jon in the driver's side and Joyce in the passenger seat while Will and Nova talked in the backseat about D&D and their favorite music. They drove quite a ways to the Hawkins National Laboratory. They all got out and Nova looked confused as to why they were taking Will here.. And even more so when she saw the sheriff coming towards them. The sheriff smiled at Joyce before looking at Nova, "This your niece?" Joyce nodded, "Yes. Hopper, this is Nova. Nova, this is Sheriff Hopper." Nova waved awkwardly, "Um hi?" Hopper nodded at her before motioning with his head for them to go inside. 

As they walked, Nova whispered to Jonathan, "And why is the sheriff here again?" Jonathan sighed and whispered back, "It's a long story but he helped mom find Will." Nova was still confused but nodded anyways. They entered the building were they were patted down and made to walk through a metal detector. Nova was completely confused and finally spoke up, "I'm sorry.. But what is going on and why are we here?" Everyone looked at Nova, frowning. Just as Joyce was about to speak, a older man came walking up to them. He smiled at Will then looked at Nova, "Hello there. I'm Dr. Sam Owens. I'm assuming you're the infamous Nova Varlineau? Will mentioned at his last appointment that you would be living with him and his family."

Nova frowned but nodded. Will took Nova's hand and smiled up at her. Nova looked down at her cousin, "You ok, Will?" Will nodded, "Yeah. Dr. Owens is ok." She thought for a moment before nodding, "Alright. If Will says you're ok, then I'll trust his judgement." Dr. Owens smiled and nodded, "Good! Let's head on up, shall we?" He walked toward the elevator and everyone followed behind him. Once they arrived, Will went with Dr. Owens and Joyce while Hopper, Jonathan and Nova stayed in the waiting room. Nova stood and leaned up against the wall. She noticed Hopper pacing while Jonathan sat and bounced his leg. The crimson haired girl looked concerned, "Um, are you two ok? Is Will really ok with that doctor guy?"

Hopper stopped pacing and looked at the girl, "Will is fine with the doc and I'm fine, just impatient." Jonathan was silent and still bouncing his leg. Nova nodded at Hopper and poked Jon in the head which startled him, "Wha..?! Oh.. Did you say something Nove?" She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I asked if you two were ok and only Hopper answered. Are you ok, cous?" Jon sighed and looked up at her, "Yeah, I just don't like it here." Nova frowned but nodded. "What is this place anyways? Why exactly did we take Will here? Did something happen that you haven't told me?" Jonathan looked uncomfortable as Hopper answered for him, "Look, Nova was it?.. There are things that we are not allowed to share so it's time to stop asking questions and just stay quiet."

Nova gave Hopper a look, and rolled her eyes, "Oh yeah, that's helpful. I don't think I like you just yet Mr. Sheriff." Hopper grunted and began pacing again as Jonathan smirked but said nothing.

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