Chapter 33

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Steve had sat down in the armchair and was watching the news, talking about the girl, Chrissy Cunningham, who had been killed in the local trailer park. Orchid had woken up and helped make breakfast while Nova was layed out on the couch, watching the news with Steve. Nova frowned, "I hope Eddie's ok. I think he lives out there with his uncle." Steve frowned and was about to speak when they announced that Eddie was a main suspect. That caused Nova to sit up, "That's bullshit! Eddie is the sweetest guy, he would never!!"

Steve frowned again, "Are you sure? Cause they're saying her body was found inside HIS trailer." Nova frowned and Steve continued, "He's also a known drug dealer Nova." Nova snapped, "I know that Steve! I smoked weed with him remember?" Steve frowned, "Yeah you also made out with him too." "YOU WHAT?!" Both Steve and Nova jumped and spotted Max awake and her jaw practically on the floor. Max walked over to Nova and looked her in the eyes, "Did Billy know?"

Nova nodded, "Yes, he wasn't happy but I told him. Although, this guy," she points at Steve, "Wanted me to not tell Billy." Max looked at Steve with a glare and Steve shrunk back a bit.  "I was worried about him possibly hurting her. We didn't really know him all too well at that point." Max just frowned and shook her head as Orchid shouted that breakfast was ready. Everyone got up and went into the kitchen. Nova took one more concerned look at the TV before she continued walking into the kitchen.


Steve had left for work, Orchid was cleaning up in the kitchen while Nova and Max watched TV. Someone knocked on the door rapidly causing Nova to break her attention from the TV and answer the door. As she opened it, she saw an out of breath Dustin, "I need your help finding Eddie. He didn't kill Chrissy." Nova nodded and moved out of the way so he could come in. Dustin walked inside and looked around, "Wow, nice place." Dustin shook his head, "Sorry, do you know anything about where Eddie could be?"

Nova frowned as she thought, "I think he mentioned Reefer Rick once before." Dustin grinned, "Do you know where he lives?" Nova shook her head, "Sorry no. But... I have an idea. I have to go to the video store. Max, staying or going?" Max stood up, "Let's get going!" Nova nodded and shouted to let Orchid know they were leaving. Once Orchid shouted back, Nova grabbed her keys and  opened the door for the teens. They rushed over to her car and got in before they took off towards Family Video.

They arrived in record time and all got out and headed into the store. Steve looked up to greet the new customer and frowned when he saw Nova, Max and Dustin. Nova said a quick hello to Robin before she walked over to the computer and started looking up the different Ricks. Finally, she found one that looked extremely promising, Rick Lipton. Nova copied down his address and flashed Dustin and Max a grin, "Found him! Let's go!" Steve stopped her, "Hold on, what's going on?"

Nova explained to Steve in a hushed tone what they were doing and he sighed, taking off his vest and handing it to Robin. "I'm coming too." Robin scoffed, "Seriously?! I am not working by myself." Nova nodded, "Yeah, Steve just stay. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself and protect the kiddos if I need to. Just meet us at the address after shift, ok?" Nova patted his shoulder and walked out of the store with Dustin and Max.


Nova, Max and Dustin made it to the house and knocked on the door. Dustin shouted for Eddie and Max pointed to the boathouse. "Look! I saw movement in window coming from in there." Nova nodded and went inside first, followed by Dustin and Max.  As she walked past the tarp covered boat, a figure jumped out and grabbed her, pinning her against a post with a broken bottle against her neck. Nova let loose a scream/yelp catching the kids off guard.

Dustin started shouting, "Eddie! Eddie, no! That's Nova! The girl you told me you've been in love with for two years?" Eddie panted, giving Dustin a side look before he looked over at Nova again and frowned, "P-princess?" Nova nodded slightly, "Hi Eddie." Eddie stepped back and lowered the bottle, "Sorry. I just... I thought you were.." Nova rushed forward and hugged Eddie tightly, "Its ok. I'm here now. I'm here." Eddie latched onto her and began to sob.

Love Is..?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang