Chapter 32

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Nova sighed as she watched TV. Steve had come home earlier and picked up Orchid to watch the championship game. Nova told him that Max was going to be there and to keep an eye on her and bring her home. Steve saluted and left with Orchid. Now, a few hours or so later, here Nova sat, falling asleep watching her favorite movie 'The Legend of Billie Jean'. Once asleep, she found herself in a pitch-black domain and her standing on what looked like water. She took a few steps and looked around. She yelped as she came face to face with Billy, looking exactly like he did before he died. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply to which Nova returned with force.

Nova let loose a scream when Billy pulled away from the kiss and he was grim looking. There was a hole in his chest, and he was covered in black blood. "Billy" looked hurt, "What's the matter? This is all yours, you know?" He reached inside his chest and pulled out his heart with a nasty squelching sound. Nova screamed again as "Billy" grinned at her, "I love you Nova. Be with me... forever." Nova screams and runs away as "Billy" laughed at her. Suddenly she felt herself being shaken violently and her name being yelled.

Nova awakens with a scream to Steve looking terrified and latches onto her best friend and cries her heart out. Orchid was holding Max close as the girl looked scared and started crying too. Steve holds Nova close as she wails and sobs, looking pained at Orchid. Orchid had tears in her eyes as she watched her best friend suffer and sob. After a few minutes, Nova had calmed down enough to pull away from Steve. Steve noticed Nova's nose bleeding and wiped it away. "Nova, I really think you should see a shrink. As soon as possible." 

Nova nodded and sniffled, "I'll try and make an appointment for as soon as the doc can see me." Nova sees Max still crying and moved away from Steve so she could open her arms, "Max..." Said girl broke away from Orchid and latched onto Nova, "I can't lose you too. Don't leave me sis." Nova held Max close and rocked them side to side, "I'm not going anywhere. I promise. You're stuck with me." Max nodded and sniffled. Steve had moved back over to Orchid and wrapped her into a tight hug, letting his girlfriend cry softly.

~A few moments later

Steve was sitting in the armchair with Orchid in his lap and Nova was sitting on the couch with Max, curled up next to her partially asleep. Steve looked at Nova, "May I ask what the dream was about?" Nova frowned and nodded before looking down at Max, "Hey, why don't you go get ready for bed? You can shower tomorrow morning, ok?" Max nodded before getting up and walking away to do just that. Nova sighed and looked at her best friends before telling them about the dream after making sure Max was out of earshot. Orchid looked horrified and Steve looked extremely concerned, "Are they all like that or..." 

Nova shook her head, "No, that was the first time Billy ever showed up in the dream. There was always a disembodied voice coming from... everywhere. Taunting me. Asking me to join him in darkness and peace. Tonight was... tonight was worse." Orchid got off of Steve's lap, which confused both Steve and Nova. Nova asked, "What are you doing?" Orchid looked at her, "I'm making you some coffee and me some tea. Cause you won't be sleeping anytime soon after that dream, I bet and you're not spending that time alone." With that, Orchid walked ff to the kitchen while Steve gave her a proud smile, "There ya go. Quality girl time. I'd stay up too but, I have to work tomorrow with Robin. So, if you need me, you'll know where to find me."

Nova smiled at Steve, "Thank you Steve." Steve gave her a charming smile, "Anything for you, bestie." Nova laughed as Steve chuckled before going off to bed. Orchid came back with a fresh cup of coffee and handed it to Nova before she settled down to with her cup of tea. Orchid grinned, "Now, shall I tell you about the game?" Nova smiled and nodded before both girls talked until well into the morning hours.

~The Next Day

Steve walked into the living room and spotted both girls fast asleep, sitting next to each other on the couch. He smiled and went to turn off the TV which was playing the news and frowned as he saw what was on it. "Oh my god..." Apparently, A girl had been murdered in the trailer park area.

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