Chapter 2

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Nova's head was bopping along to 'Should I Stay or Should I go?' by The Clash that was playing on the radio. She knew it was Jonathan's and Will's favorite song since they played it so much. Personally, she was a fan of AC/DC, Motley Crue and other rock bands like that, but she had some other songs that she liked that weren't of the rock or metal variety. This was one of them. 

Anyway.. Joyce was driving her(Nova) and Will to the arcade to hang out with the party. She was looking out the front passenger side window as Will was animatedly talking from the backseat, clearly excited. They arrived at the arcade a few minutes later and saw Mike, Dustin and Lucas standing in front of the arcade, in what looked like a heated discussion. Nova chuckled as Will jumped out of the car as soon as Joyce stopped and parked the car. They both got out normally and walked over to the group of boys. Mike was the first to notice Nova and grinned, "Nova!" As soon as he shouted her name, both Dustin and Lucas looked over and smiled.

Dustin was the first to run up to her and hug her, "Holy shit! Is it really you?" Nova laughed as he got scolded by Joyce for cussing. She then hugged Lucas and Mike, "Yep! Its me. Hawkins will be my home for the for-see-able future." Both Dustin and Lucas grinned but Mike frowned as he remembered why that was. He looked up at her as he hugged her again, "I'm sorry about your loss Nova." Nova patted Mike's head sweetly, "Thanks Mikey. Still the sweetheart." She noticed that Dustin and Lucas also frowned, "My boys. I'm ok.. or I will be. Now, shall we head inside and take out our frustrations on some innocent games?" 

All the boys cheered and ran inside as both Joyce and Nova laughed. Joyce looked at Nova, "I'll be back around 10-ish. Please keep an eye on Will?" Nova nodded, "Of course auntie!" Joyce hugged Nova and left in her car as Nova went inside to see what to play first. She smiles when she sees the boys crowded around Dragon's Lair and went off to play Space Invaders. After a few minutes of playing, she heard Dustin cuss which caused her to turn around in time for him to hit the game machine.

"Dustin! Don't damage the game please. It did nothing to you. Your lack of skills got you killed." She smirked as the other boys 'oohed' and Dustin flipped her off with a grin. Nova rolled her eyes and gave him a peace sign before switching to a 'Fuck You Too' pose. Dustin laughed, "Well, at least i'm still top dog in Dig Dug." A man with acne, eating a bag of chips popped up from nowhere, "You sure about that?" Dustin looked confused before he noticed his high score was beaten.

"What the shit?!" The other boys looked and Will spoke first, "Look at that score!" Lucas agreed, "How did they get it that high?" Dustin huffed, "And who the hell is MADMAX?" "Better than you." The boys looked at the man, "Do you know who it is Keith?" The man, Keith, nodded, "The answer is gonna cost ya." He gave Nova a smirk causing her to recoil, "Oh hell no!" Will agreed, "No way! She's not going on a date with you Keith!" Dustin laughed, "Probably for the best. He'd spread his nasty rash to your whole family." Keith looked offended, "Acne is not a rash, you wasteoid!" "Oh I'm a wasteoid?!" Nova sighed and tuned out their childish fight and noticed that Will had gone outside. She went outside to check on him and touched his shoulder, apparently startling him. "Hey, it's me. Are you ok?"

Mike had joined them when he noticed Will missing and looked at his best friend in concern. Will looked up at Nova before nodding with a smile, "Yeah, just wanted some air." Nova didn't totally believe him but didn't want to press him further. "Okay.. Just know that I'm here if you need someone to talk to.. and I'm sure Mike feels the same." She looks over at Mike and he nods, confirming her words. Mike stepped up and put his hand on Will's shoulder, "C'mon! I still have quarters so let's keep playing some more." Will smiled softly and nodded, walking back inside with Mike and Nova to play.

The Next Day~

Nova was talking with Jonathan as they drove to the high school after dropping off Ghostbuster Will at the middle school. "I didn't realize it was Halloween already. I'm gonna have to come up with a costume." Jonathan laughed and nodded, "Yeah maybe." He parked in a space next to another car that had a familiar girl and a guy with kinda great hair. Jonathan smiled softly at the girl as she waved to him before talking to the guy. It was at this moment that Nova realized that the girl was Nancy, Mike's older sister, and the guy must be Steve Harrington, her boyfriend. Since Jonathan was too busy staring at Nancy, Nova took this as an opportunity to make some new friends. 

She walked up to the couple and smiled warmly, "Hi there!" They both turned to look at her. Nancy smiled as she recognized her after a second, "Nova! Mike said you were moving here! Its so good to see you!" Nova smiled, "Hey Nancy. Its been a while. I'm guessing this guy is.. Steve?" Steve snapped himself out of his staring and nodded with his signature grin, "That's me. Nice to meet you Nova." "Likewise! Great hair by the way." Steve puffed his chest out with pride, "Why thank you!"

Just as he was about to say more, a car screeched into the parking lot. Everyone turned to look at the car, which was a blue Camaro, that was blaring out 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' by Scorpions, one of Nova's top ten fave songs by the way, and out stepped a gorgeous looking blonde guy.. and a red headed girl that skateboarded away to the middle school. He was smoking a cigarette before putting it out and stepping on it. He looked around and noticed the group staring. Particularly, focusing on Nova. He smirked and licked his bottom lip before walking into the school building. Nova coughed, "Well.. that was a hell of an entrance. Who was that anyways?" 

They all shrugged and Steve spoke up first, "No clue. But he looks like trouble." Nacy smacked his chest and Jonathan reluctantly nodded, agreeing with Steve. Especially after the way the guy looked at his cousin the way he did. Nova sighed, "Well, I think we should probably head inside so I can grab my schedule." They all nodded and walked inside.

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