Chapter 34

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Nova pats Eddie's head as he finally starts to calm down. She pulls away and Eddie gives her a grateful smile, "Thanks princess." Max speaks up, "Um, I'm sorry. But can we talk about how you've apparently been in love with my sister, Nova, for two years?" Nova gave Max a look, "Max, not now. Now," She notices Eddie glaring at Dustin and smacks his arm, catching his attention. She gave him a look and he grinned at her, "Now, what happened?" Eddie's grin turned into a frown, "You won't believe me." Nova gave him a soft smile and took his hand in hers, "You'd be surprised." Eddie looked at her before he nods and starts from the beginning.

"She came to me in the woods where I sell my merchandise and she asked for something stronger than my usual stuff to help her sleep. I told her I didn't have it on me at the time and to come home with me later to get it. So, as I grabbed the stuff, I left her for maybe a split second and I come out to her, frozen in place. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, and she wasn't responding. She then floated off the floor to the ceiling and..." He swallowed and looked at Nova again, "Her bones began to snap. I screamed and left her. I ran. Why would I...?" Nova squeezed his hand gently, catching his attention again. "You were scared Eddie. Our natural instincts scream at us to either fight or run at a threat. You did the natural thing and ran. It happens. Besides, I don't know if you could help Chrissy anyways. It sounds like she was beyond help."

Eddie gives Nova a small, sad smile and squeezed her hand back. Max and Dustin were listening while staring at Eddie and Nova's linked hands. Eddie frowned, "Why do you believe me? How?" Nova looked at Dustin who nods and she tells him everything, about Will, the Mindflayer, Eleven, The Upside Down and... Billy. Eddie frowns as he takes in what Nova tells him. "So, the town really is cursed?" Nova nods with a sheepish smile, "Something like that. But as for what is doing this to us now... I don't think it's the mindflayer. It seems, worse. Almost darker." Dustin looked up at that, "Like a dark curse!" Eddie's eyes met Dustin's, "Vecna's curse." Nova and Max shared a look, "Vecna?"

Dustin explained that Vecna was a dark wizard and Nova nodded, "Right. How does one beat Vecna exactly?" Eddie explained, "A critical hit. Roll a 20. That's how little Lady Applejack beat me in last night's campaign." Max mouthed "Lady Applejack?" while Nova frowned and looked at Dustin, "Isn't that what Erica calls her character? You replaced Lucas with his little sister?" Dustin shrugged with a sheepish grin, "Maybe?" Max smacked him upside the head, "Seriously?" Dustin yelped and pointed at Eddie, "He wouldn't postpone for Lucas so... we found a substitute. On his orders." 

Eddie glared at Dustin before looking at Nova, "Anyway, What now? I guess I'm stuck here until you guys can prove me innocent?" Nova frowned and bit her lip before she looked at Max who looked at her with wide eyes, "Oh no! No, nonononononono! He CAN'T stay with us. There's no room!" Nova frowned, "Well, there is the attic loft that Billy was fixing up. It has a pull-out couch. Plus, who's gonna think to look for Eddie in our attic? Nobody knows that we even know Eddie." Max gave her a look of disbelief and threw her hands up in the air, "Fine! How are we gonna get Eddie to the house without him being seen?" Nova frowned as she thought. After a few seconds, she looked at Eddie, "Simple. We stuff him in my car trunk and back into the garage to let him out." Eddie looked at her with a grimace, "I think I'll stay here."

Nova sighed, "Come on. It would be less suspicious than us coming here occasionally to bring you food and risk getting seen and followed to your location." Eddie frowned before he sighed and nodded, "True. But the trunk? Really?" Nova shrugged, "Less of chance of being seen than being in my backseat." Eddie sighed again and nodded, "Aright." Nova smiled and nodded, "Let's go! Before we get caught and/or seen." They all went out to Nova's Mustang and Eddie climbed into the trunk as Dustin climbs into the backseat and Max into the front passenger side. Nova closes the trunk, earning an "Ow!" from Eddie and climbs into the driver's seat and takes off for home.


Nova pulls into the driveway, almost hitting the Impala in the process. She slammed on the breaks and heard a cuss from Eddie in the trunk. Nova winces and sees Orchid hugging her parents before they left. They pulled out, waving at Nova before they left completely. Nova moved around the Impala and got out to open the garage door. Orchid smiled before she frowned at Nova, "What are you doing?" Nova shushed Orchid as she opened the garage door, "Go back inside and unlock the inside door to the garage please. I'll explain everything. Then call Steve and Robin and let them know we're at home." Orchid frowns in confusion but nods and does as she's told while Nova gets back into her ca and drives into the garage.

Max gets out and closes the garage door as Nova lets Eddie out of the trunk. Eddie grunts as he gets out and stretches, "That... was awful." Nova smiles sheepishly and motions Eddie into now opened door to the house. They all go inside, and Orchid sees Eddie. She looks at Nova, before dragging her off to a corner, "Okay, explain. Now." Nova tells Orchid what she knows as Eddie takes a look around the house. Max closes the blinds so Eddie can roam free for the moment. Dustin looks at Max, "Where's the attic access?" Max takes him towards the bedrooms and pulls down the hidden door to the attic.

Eddie and Dustin both look up into the dark space and grimace. Dustin takes out a flashlight and heads upstairs as Eddie follows behind him. Dustin finds a light switch and turns it on. Light floods the previously dark attic to reveal a cozy looking attic loft.

 Light floods the previously dark attic to reveal a cozy looking attic loft

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{Ignore the skylight, pretend it's not there.}

Max joined them and frowned, "Billy was making this for me, for us. He was going to let us play and hang out up here like we do in Mike's basement. This was as far as he got." Dustin looked around, "This would've been an epic hangout spot. Why didn't Nova finish it?" Max frowned, "She planned to, but she couldn't bring herself to come up here without crying. Then... she found the ring." Eddie gave a shocked yet pained look, "Ring? As in...?" Max nodded, "He was planning on asking her on their anniversary last year. But... he gave his life instead. She put the ring in a safety deposit box in the bank. She didn't want it in the house." The boys nodded with sad looks.

Max continued, "It wasn't long after that that she started getting the nightmares." Eddie frowned, "Nightmares?" Max nodded, "I can't really say much else cause it's not exactly my business to reveal." Eddie nodded. Max points to the couch, "It pulls out in the front. The mattress isn't the greatest but it's better than sleeping in a boat or on the ground." Just then, Nova comes upstairs, and everyone looks at her. "Um... I was going to make lunch. Orchid is calling Steve and letting him know about Eddie. Did anyone want some homemade Mac & Cheese?" They all nodded, and Nova rushed back downstairs, going back into the kitchen. Eddie frowned as did Dustin and Max before they left the attic and went to the living room to watch TV.

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