Chapter 9

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Jonathan and the boys walked up the steps and looked at Nova. Nova hugged both Will and Mike before she looked at Mike, "Your sister is inside, passed out on the couch. She had a bit too much "punch"." Mike's eyes widened and he ran inside, Will right on his heels. Jonathan frowned, "Where was Steve? And why is she here instead of at home?" Nova sighed and told Jonathan about the fight between Nancy and Steve, Steve leaving and her and Billy taking Nancy here due to not knowing where she lived. Jonathan sighed, "What a mess.." Nova nodded, "Billy said pretty much the same thing earlier." Her cousin grimaced but nodded, "Let's go inside." Nova nodded and followed him in. Mike was checking on his sister as Will was making sure Mike wasn't alone. Nova smiled, she had a feeling that Will had a crush on his best friend.

Joyce let everyone know that the Wheeler's knew about Nancy as Nova sighed and stretched going off to her room. She stripped down to her underwear as soon as she shut the door, climbed into bed and passed out herself.

The Next Morning~

Nova groaned as she smacked her alarm off and sat up. She stretched and yawned, her blanket falling off her naked chest just as someone knocked and opened her door. Jonathan looked in and yelped before shutting the door quickly. Nova was frozen with her hands above her head and started laughing, "That should teach you to come in without waiting for a response first!" Nova got up and grabbed some clothes before sneaking off to the bathroom to shower. She left the bathroom fully dressed and freshly showered and saw Joyce handing Nancy a glass of water along with some headache pills.

Joyce saw Nova and smiled, "Did Jon wake you? I sent him to wake you." Nova snickered, "Yes, he did. But uh.. I might've scarred him for life." Joyce looked confused, "I uh.. have a bad habit of sleeping in my underwear and ONLY my underwear." Joyce looked shocked before she laughed. "My poor boy.. Ahaha!" Nancy finished her water and looked up at Nova, "Thank you Nova for everything." Nova smiled at Nancy, "Of course! That's what friends are for, Nancy." Nancy smiled warmly at Nova. Nova looked at Nancy's clothes, "If you want, you can borrow some of my clothes since yours are uh.. messy."

Nancy looked down and saw that her clothes were indeed, a mess. She smiled gratefully at Nova, "That'd be great! Thanks." Nancy stood up and followed Nova to her room. After a bit, they picked out a light blue Madonna shirt and a Jean skirt with white converse for Nancy. She went to the bathroom to change and Nova went back to the kitchen where Jonathan was sitting and talking with Will and Mike. Will saw Nova and smiled, "Morning Nova!" Jonathan's head whipped around to Nova and he sighed, "H-hey Nova." Nova giggled, "Sorry about the scare this morning Jon." Jonathan nodded and his eyes widened as he saw Nancy.

Nova turned around and smiled at Nancy, "See! I told you it looked good." Nancy rolled her eyes before she laughed. "You were right. Hi Jonathan." Jonathan swallowed, "Hey Nancy." Mike and Will looked at each other and laughed. This caught Nancy's attention and she looked at her brother, "What are you doing here?" Mike snickered, "I spent the night over with Will." Nancy nodded and looked at Jonathan, "Should uh.. Should we get going to school?" Jonathan nodded and got up, "Let's go guys." Will and Mike nodded and got up as welll. Just then, they all heard the engine roar of a certain car.

Nova rushed to the window and smiled when she saw Billy's Camaro outside. "Looks like I have my own ride to school Jon. See you there!" She grabbed her school bag and went out the door. She smiled when she saw Billy and got into the passenger side. Billy smiled at Nova and kissed her. Someone in the backseat cleared their throat and Billy broke the kiss to glare at said person. Nova looked back and spotted the red haired girl. "Oh hi! I'm Nova. You must be Max." Max nodded, "Hey." Nova sensed some tension in the car and looked at Billy, "Shall we get going?" Billy nodded and backed out and took off towards the middle school.

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