Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, in the room with Will, Joyce and Dr. Owens~

Dr. Owens did a normal check up with Will. Will did what he was told as Joyce watched on with a small, soft smile. After Dr. Owens finished, Will decided to ask him a question. "Doctor.. since Nova is gonna be a permanant person in our lives.. Can she know what happened to me? Like, everything? I wanna tell her." Dr. Owens looked at Joyce, who in turned looked back. He sighed and looked at the young Byers boy, "Now, are you sure she can handle it. Knowing everything?" Will nodded, "Yeah, I trust her. She'll keep it a secret and be one more person to help." The doctor and Joyce shared another look before nodding, "Alright. I'll get the forms and you can tell her everything once she signs them." Will smiled brightly, "Thanks Dr. Owens!"

Dr. Owen's got up from his chair and left the room. He looked in the waiting room and spotted Nova leaning against the wall, deep in thought. He cleared his throat and caught the attention of Nova, Jonathan and Hopper. "Miss Nova, I have some papers for you to sign." Nova looked confused, Jonathan looked shocked and Hopper looked upset. "No. She's not getting involved with this." Dr. Owens frowned, "Will wants her to know." Nova glared at Hopper, "Excuse you! I'm right here and perfectly capable of making my own choices." Then she looked at Dr. Owens, "I'll sign whatever you need to know what happened to my cousin. He's like my little brother.. if I had one."

Dr. Owens smiled and nodded, "This way please." Nova followed him to his office and sign document after document before Dr. Owens would let her talk to Will. Once done, he opened his door to let her out before leading her back to the room where Will and Joyce were. Will looked up as the door opened and smiled when he saw Nova. She smiled and hugged her cousin before taking a seat. Dr. Owens also took a seat and again, cleared his throat, "Now, Nova.. What we tell you cannot legally leave this room." Nova frowned but nodded, "I understand. Now please, tell me what is going on?"

Will started at the beginning, from leaving Mike's house after D&D to getting kidnapped by the Demogorgan to everything that happened in both the Upside Down and in our reality. Nova's eyes widened as he described what happened and when he finished, she spoke, "I.. are you serious? I mean.. of course you are. But.. are you ok now? That's thing isn't coming back is it?" Will frowned and shook his head, "It hasn't shown any signs of returning." Nova nodded and sighed, "That's.. a lot to take in buddy but.." She got up and hugged Will tightly, "I'm so, so sorry you had to go through that, Sweetbean." Will smiled at the nickname. She hadn't called him that in years, he didn't realize how much he missed it. She broke the hug with Will and hugged her aunt, "I'm also sorry that you had to go through that too."

Joyce smiled softly and hugged her(Nova) back, "Its ok sweetheart. Its all ok now." Nova and Joyce broke the hug and Nova looked at Dr. Owens, "This Eleven girl.. is there any evidence of her returning or anything?" She hated to think of harm coming to any child, whether she knew them or not. Dr. Owens sighed and shook his head, "No. There's been no trace of her." Nova frowned sadly, "Poor girl.." Dr. Owens sighed slightly, "Now, I believe our time is up. Its almost time for this guy to go Trick or Treating." Dr. Owens smiled as Will brightened up and happily got up from his seat.

Nova looked at the time and noticed that it was almost 6pm. "Oh wow, it is." Dr. Owens opened the door as Will, Joyce and Nova walked out of the room. Jonathan stood up quickly and Hopped stopped pacing. Nova rushed over to Jonathan and hugged him, "I'm so sorry cous. So sorry." Jonathan hugged her back tightly and thanked her, relieved that he didn't have to keep this secret from his best friend/cousin anymore. Once they broke the hug, Nova turned to Hopper and smiled, "Thank you for helping my family, Hopper. You're a good man." She holds her hand out for him to shake. Hopper gave her a half-smile and shook her hand, "Anytime."

They all walked out of the lab together and got into their respective vehicles and drove away. The Byers and Varlineau reached their home in time to see a blue Camaro in their driveway. Nova gasped as Jonathan parked next to it. She got out and saw Billy smoking a cig on the front porch, shivering slightly. Nova walked over to him, crunching dead leaves as she walked which caught Billy's attention. Billy put the cig out and stood up, "Hey." Nova nodded to him, "Hi." "Can we talk about.. everything?" Nova looked at her confused family before looking back at Billy and nodded, "Yeah, sure. Aunt Joyce? Is it ok if he comes inside? He.. looks cold. How long have you been standing out here?" 

Billy shrugged, "Since school let out. I dropped off my step-sister at home before I came over here." Nova looked shocked as did the Byers, "You.. you've been here for 3 hours? Billy.." Joyce stepped forward, " C'mon, let's get inside and you warmed up, young man." Billy nodded, looking grateful. Joyce unlocked the door and everyone piled inside, Nova and Billy being the last ones. Nova took Billy's hand and frowned, "Your hand is practically ice cold. C'mon!" She took him to the kitchen and grabbed a hot water bottle and warmed it up before placing it on his hands as she had him sit at the table. Joyce came in with a blanket and draped it over him. Billy gave her a small 'thank you' and looked back over at Nova.

He swallowed and looked at the crimson haired girl, "Nova.. I.. I wanna apologize for attacking Harrington. It.. it was uncalled for and I just.. I let my jealousy take control. Please, forgive me." Nova frowned and thought for a moment. She then looked at Billy, "Okay, but I have some conditions." Billy looked relieved yet apprehensive, "Which are?" "No more fighting with my friends. When i'm dating someone, I'm loyal to them and them alone.. romantically. If we get to that point." Billy grinned. "Second, you need to apologize to Steve." Billy looked like he was about to say something but Nova stopped him, "No. No ifs, ands or buts. Ok?" Billy sighed and reluctantly nodded, "Fine."

"And lastly, no more of this treating me like property and threatening people.. well, unless they deserve it. Treat me better and I'll be by your side through thick and thin, no matter what. Got it?" Billy smiled, "I accept your terms. Can I ask you out on a date for tonight again?" Nova laughed, "Yes, you may. And I will." Billy took her hand in his and squeezed it, "Good, cause I was invited to a party by this chick, Tina and I wasn't gonna go without you." Nova smiled warmly, "Okay. Oh! But I don't have a costume." Billy grinned, "Neither do I to be honest. Wanna just show up as ourselves?" Nova giggled, "Like we have any other choice. Let me at least put on some makeup and we can go." 

Billy nodded and watched her get up. She leaned down and kissed his cheek, "Payback for earlier." She walked away as he was chuckling. He started popping his knuckles when he noticed her older cousin glaring at him. Billy frowned and glared back, "Can I help you?" Jonathan approached and slammed his hands on the table, which made Billy glare harder, "You do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to hurt her.. And I will end you. Understood?" Billy kept glaring but nodded, "Understood." Jonathan walked away and Billy sighed, muttering under his breath, "Freak."


AN: Ok so.. I realized Billy is a bit OoC but ya know.. I'm trying. I still need to rewatch the series again but until then.. Eh. Anyways, I hope you are enjoying the story and that wherever you are, you're having a great Thanksgiving! See ya!

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