Chapter 30

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Nova had just gotten off work and was driving towards the high school to pick up Max and the boys. The radio was playing 'I Wanna Know What Love Is' by Foreigner and Nova was humming along to the song. Nova arrived at the school just as the song ended. She parked and turned the car off and got out. She spotted Max coming out of the building and waved her over. Max grinned and ran over to Nova, "Hey sis. We ready to go?" Nova sighed, "Well... not exactly. Steve asked me to pick up the boys after their campaign is over for Hellfire Club." Max groans, "Does that mean we have to stay in the car?"

Nova laughed, "Nope. Eddie, who is the leader of the club, gave me permission to sit inside and watch the campaign." Max grimaced, "That... I think I'd rather stay in the car." Nova snorted and turned Max around, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and walked back into the building. Thankfully, she(Nova) spotted Dustin, Lucas and Mike walking to the club room and whistled to catch their attention. Dustin saw Nova first and grinned, "Hey, Nova! What are you doing here?" Max waved, "Hi, I'm here too." Lucas gave her a small smile, "Hey Max." Mike just waved.

Nova let loose a smile, "I am ya'lls ride home. Steve had a last-minute date with Orchid and asked me to pick you guys up instead." Dustin sighed, "Dammit Steve. Thanks Nova." Mike spoke up, "Are you gonna be waiting in the car for us?" Nova shook her head, "Nope. Your dungeon master offered to let me, or rather us, watch the campaign." Dustin gave Nova a big grin, That's awesome! C'mon, club is this way!" Nova and Max followed behind the boys and walked into the club room. Eddie looked up, spotting the boys but then noticed Nova and some red headed girl come in.

"Well, well... It seems we have guests." Eddie was grinning and Nova snorted. "Hello good sir. This is my sister, Max. We have come by invitation to watch your so-called campaign." Eddie grinned again, "And who prey tell, gave you this invitation?" Nova's eye twitched and Max was giving her a 'Is he serious?' look. Nova looked at Eddie tiredly, "Why, sir... It was you who gave me the invite. And do we really need to do this? I've had a hell of a day at work with Harrington. I am exhausted, Eddie. So, permission to watch and stay quiet?" Eddie bowed dramatically, "Permission granted, princess." "Thank you." Nova led Max over to a bench and they both sat down. Eddie gave Nova one last grin before his attention turned to his club members.

~Timeskip, Three and a half hours later

To Nova, watching the campaign was actually entertaining. To Max, well... she fell asleep after an hour. Max's head was in Nova's lap and Nova was making sure Max didn't fall off the bench. The campaign was over and Eddie, the DM, had won. All the boys groaned and cursed while Eddie laughed and took a victory lap. Nova woke up Max who yawned and sat up. The club members promised to meet up next week for another campaign and started to depart. Nova stood up, turned around and stretched, unknowingly showing off part of her tattoo. Eddie caught sight of it and froze.

'When had Nova gotten a tattoo like that?' Eddie thought to himself as he stared at Nova. Max frowned as she saw Eddie Munson stare at her sister like he was and cleared her throat. That caught not only Eddie's attention but also Nova's. Nova looked at Max in confusion as Eddie coughed and looked away. Nova looked at the boys who were chatting amongst themselves and caught their attention, "You boys ready to go?" They nodded and walked out of the room with Max trailing behind them to show them where the car was parked. Nova looked at Eddie and smiled, "Congratulations Eddie. That was actually a really fun campaign to watch."

Eddie gave her a proud grin, "Why, thank you Nova. I appreciate that." Nova nods, "See you around, Dungeon Master." Nova grins and waves goodbye before she leaves. Eddie watches her leave and sighs to himself, "See you, my princess." Nova sees the boys and Max talking near the car and whistles again. They all look at her and Nova unlocks the doors, letting the boys get into the back and her to get into the driver's side. Once Max sat down in the passenger's side and shut the door, Nova started the car and head off towards Mike's house, then Lucas' and finally, Dustin's.

After the last boy was gone, it was just Nova and Max. The radio was playing 'Rio' by Duran Duran and Nova was humming along to it as Max sat silently, thinking of something. They arrived home and Max finally spoke, "I think Eddie likes you. Like, like likes you." Nova freezes and hits the brakes a bit harshly before looking at Max. "What? How do you...?" Max's eyes widened, "You knew?!" Nova puts the car in park and looks over at Max, "Yes. He's told me so before. But he hasn't done anything to act on his feelings." Max frowns, "Are you sure?"

Nova sighs, "Ok so... there was this one time, where we got high and made out. And yes, Billy knew. I told him and he wasn't happy but he had forgiven me." Max frowned and nodded, "When?" Nova sighed, "Back in High School. Right before I committed myself to Billy." Max sighed, "Ok... but he still has feelings for you?" Nova nods, "Yes but... I don't know. I'm still hung up on Billy and I... honestly, don't know if I would ever date anyone else." Max frowned, "Even though Billy told us to be happy?" Nova looked extremely pained and couldn't say anything. She just nodded and began to cry. Max hugs Nova tightly as her sister cried over her lost love again.

They broke apart after Nova had finished crying. As if on cue, Max's stomach growled loudly causing both girls to laugh. Nova looked at Max, "I do believe I owe you dinner, do I not?" Max grinned and nodded before getting out of the car and rushing up to the house. Nova sighed and looked at the tarp covered Camaro. "I miss you so much Billy. So much." Nova finally got out of the car and followed after Max.

Love Is..?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang