Chapter 12

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At School~

As the boys play basketball, shirts vs skins, Nancy called out to Steve during a time out. Steve sighed and walked over to Nancy, "What do you need Nance?" Nancy frowned, "What happened last night? Jonathan told me that Nova said that we had a big fight and you left me." Steve sighed and looked down at Nancy, "Well, you got super drunk, called me & our relationship bullshit and screamed at me to go away basically." Nancy frowned, "I.. I'm sorry. I was drunk, I didn't.." "Drunk words are sober thoughts, Nance. Do you even love me anymore? Or did Jonathan steal it?" Nancy looked at Steve shocked but couldn't find the will to speak. Steve closed his eyes in pain before he glared down at Nancy, "I think we need to break up. So, consider yourself free to date Jonathan now."

Steve left Nancy and went back to the game and Nancy walked out of the gym, tears in her eyes. Tommy H., being the dick that he is, saw the confrontation between him and Nancy and decided to comment, "Too bad there Harrington! Plenty of bitches left in the sea." Steve frowned but looked at Tommy, "Shut up man." The coach blew his whistle as it was time to hit the showers just as the girls came into the gym, shivering and cold. Everyone went to their respective locker rooms to shower and change.


It was the end of the school day, Steve had used his free period to find Jonathan to tell him about Nova and Billy had collected all of Nova's assignments and made his way to the middle school to pick up Max. Max got into the car and saw that Billy was alone. "Where's Nova?" Billy frowned, "One of the girls tripped her on purpose and Nova hit her head pretty hard. She got stitched up and sent home." Max's eyes widened, "What?! Can we go see her?" Billy looked to the backseat in shock, "You just met her this morning." Max frowned, "What? I can't like someone after immediately meeting them? She was nice to me, I want to see if she's ok." 

Billy sighed and nodded, "I was on my way to see her anyways to help her with schoolwork so.. I guess you can come too." Max grinned, "Cool. Let's go." Billy huffed and started off towards the Byers house. Once they arrived, Max shot out of the car and ran up to the front door, ignoring Billy yelling at her to slow down. She knocked on the door just as Billy arrived behind her.

Inside the Byers House~

Joyce and Nova were still watching TV, trying to keep Nova awake as long as possible because of the concussion. She jumped when she heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. Nova watched as she opened the door and smiled when she saw Max and Billy. "Hey Max! Hi Billy!" Joyce let both of the kids inside before going into the kitchen to make snacks and Max made her way over to Nova, "Billy told me what happened. Are you going to be ok?" Nova smiled at Max, "Yeah, it's just a mild concussion and the girl who tripped me got suspended for two weeks. Also, I kind of slapped her to the ground for tripping me." Max grinned, "Nice!" Joyce cleared her throat in a motherly way and Nova got the hint, "But uh.. you don't need to do that. You grab a teacher and tell them, ok?" Max rolled her eyes and giggled, "Okay."

Billy came over and sat on Nova's other side and set down the schoolwork on the coffee table before kissing Nova's cheek. "How're you feeling?" Nova smiled at Billy, "Better." Just then the door opened to reveal a worried Jonathan and Will. Will rushed over to Nova and hugged her. Nova grunted but hugged her little cousin back, "I'm ok Will! I'm still here." Jonathan glared at Billy, "Was this because of you?" Billy stood up and glared back at Jonathan. Before he could say anything, Nova frowned at Jonathan, "Of course not! Carol was just being a bitch. What's gotten into you?" 

Will sat down where Billy previously sat and watched in confusion, as did Max. Jonathan frowned at Nova, "Ever since you got involved with this guy, you've been bullied and now you have a mild concussion!" Nova glared at Jonathan and stood up, "I was bullied by a bunch of hormone driven girls!" "But he's the reason why they're targeting you!" Billy looked pained and Nova saw this and got angry, "So?! He would never wish me harm Jonathan. You're being too overprotective right now."

Jonathan looked at Nova with incredulity, "Are you in love with this guy?!" Both Max and Will held their breath as they waited for Nova to reply. Nova did not hesitate, "YES!!" Jonathan looked shocked as Billy looked both shocked and happy. Jonathan stumbled over his words and stormed off, slamming his bedroom door behind him. Joyce watched and smiled at Nova before going back to fixing snacks. Nova cleared her throat and turned around just in time for Billy to hug and kiss her. Nova returned the hug and kiss, breaking their kiss when she heard Max and Will gag.

She laughed and stuck her tongue out at the kids before Billy turned her face to look at him, "I love you too, Nova. More than anything. I was planning on asking you this during studying but, will you be my girlfriend?" Nova smiled brightly, "Of course!" Billy smiled happily and picked her to twirl her around, causing her to laugh. Joyce saw this and shouted, "Put her down! She still has a concussion!" Billy quickly did so and Nova groaned a bit, burying her head in Billy's chest.

Billy chuckled, "Sorry, doll." He kissed the top of her head and smiled. Max and Will decided to walk off to the kitchen and partake in the snacks Joyce was making. Nova and Billy sat back down on the couch and started on their homework and studies. At Joyce's insistence, Max decided to call her mom and let her know that her(Max) and Billy were over at a friend's house hanging out and would be back before curfew.

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