Chapter 7

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Nova finished her makeup and left the bathroom. She walked past Jonathan he looked upset at something but he had went into his room and shut the door before Nova could question him. So, she just shrugged and smiled when she saw Billy. "Ready?" Billy looked up at her and smiled before standing up. "Ready. Uh.. what should I do with this?" He gestured to the blanket that Joyce had draped over him earlier. "I.. don't know. I guess just drape it over the couch." Billy nods and did so just as someone dressed as Dracula came into the house. Nova frowned and Billy looked confused. The man saw Nova and Billy and smiled confusedly. "Ah, hello there. I'm Bob."

Nova gasped, "Oh! You're my aunt Joyce's boyfriend! I'm Nova and this is Billy. Its nice to finally meet you." Bob smiled at Nova, "Likewise! But uh.. Billy? Who are you exactly?" Billy cleared his throat, "I'm uh.. I'm Nova's date for the local Halloween party that a classmate is throwing. Also, I just moved here from Cali with my.. family." Bob nodded and laughed, " Ah, ok! Well, it's nice to meet you and welcome to Hawkins." Nova gave Bob a smile and grabbed Billy's arm, causing said male to smile at her, "I hope to get to know you better Bob but right now, we're running a bit late."

Bob nodded, "Of course! Be safe and have fun. But not too much fun." Nova and Billy both let out awkward laughs before exiting the house and getting into the Camaro. Nova looked at Billy and Billy looked at Nova before they burst out into laughter. After they calmed down, Billy started the car and off they drove to Tina's party.

At The Party~

They arrived at the party and exited the car. They walked up the drive to see a bunch of drunk teens either making out or drinking more. A guy named Tommy H. saw Billy and bee-lined for him. "Hey Hargrove! Wanna do a keg stand to see if you can beat King Harrington's record?" Billy looked at Nova, who smiled at him and waved at him to go. The blonde mullet grinned before looking at Tommy, "Hell yeah!" Tommy and the guys cheered and led him out to the backyard where the kegs were. Of course, this left Nova by her lonesome. She sighed and looked around to see if anyone she knew. She spotted Nancy and Steve and made her way over, bumping into a guy on her way, "Oh i'm sorry!" The guy smiled, "It's ok, princess. Love the shirt. My third favorite band." Nova sighed in relief, "Oh thank god! A man of culture." They both laughed.

"I'm Nova Varlineau. I just moved here to live with my aunt and cousins." They guy smiled, "I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson. Local dealer and dungeon master for the local D&D club." Nova's eyes lit up, "No way! There's a D&D club? Is it high school only or.. can middle schoolers join?" Eddie grinned, "You don't look like a middle schooler to me." Nova laughed, " No, not me. I suck at D&D. My cousin Will and his friends play. They have their own party and everything." Eddie's grin got bigger. "Oh yeah? Well, unfortunately, Its high school only right now and it's my last year." Nova nodded, "That's too bad. Hey wait! I think I remember you. You're in my English class."

Eddie looked confused before it clicked, "Oh yeah! The new girl! I remember now." Nova smiled, "So, which bands are your first and second favorites?" Eddie grinned, "Metallica is my number 1 while Motley Crue is my second." Nova grinned, "A man after my own heart." They laughed and Eddie decided to ask her something, "Hey.. are you here with someone or..?" Nova smiled softly and pointed towards the backyard where her date was doing a keg stand currently. "The guy doing the keg stand is my date. I told him to go have fun." Eddie sighed but smiled, "Figures. My dream girl is taken. Aw well.. see you around?" Nova blushed lightly and nodded, "Definitely. It was nice getting to know you Eddie." Eddie grinned, "Likewise princess." He took her hand and kissed it, causing her to smile and giggle, before he walked away. Nova sighed happily and again, made her way over to Steve and Nancy.


AN: Sorry its a little short. My ideas ran out. Next chapter will be a bit longer.

Love Is..?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora