Chapter 37

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As Orchid and Steve spoke downstairs, Max went upstairs and saw Eddie and Nova snuggled up together. Eddie was softly snoring, and Nova was smiling in her sleep. They both seemed relaxed, and Max hated to wake them but... "Nova? Eddie? Steve is home. Can you both wake up?" Nova moaned and snuggled more into Eddie as Eddie groaned and didn't move. Max rolled her eyes and grabbed a spare pillow and whacked Nova with it, hard. Nova yelped and glared at Max, "What the hell?" Max grinned but frowned as Eddie was still asleep. Nova looked at Eddie and blushed at how close they were. She tried to shimmy out of Eddie's arms, but he held tight, "Nova..." Max giggled and Nova blushed brighter before looking at Max for help. Max nodded and started hitting Eddie with the pillow. Eddie started cussing as he moved around, let go of Nova and fell off the bed to escape the pillow bashing.

Nova and Max were laughing as Eddie slowly sat up and glared at the sisters, "Not. Cool." Nova just grinned, "No, but pretty funny. Anyways, I'm assuming that Steve is here?" Max nodded, "Yeah, he's downstairs with Orchid. I came up to wake you and found you all snuggled up. So cute!" Max makes kissy noises and Nova swatted at her while Eddie blushed. Max yelped and giggled down the stairs as Nova and Eddie chased after her. Nova caught Max and Eddie grabbed Nova. They all fell over and laughed together, not noticing the smiling faces of Orchid and Steve.

Steve finally cleared his throat to get their attention once they had calmed down from laughing. Nova, Max and Eddie looked up at Steve and got to their feet. Steve spoke up, "So, I see we have a new roommate. How long is he staying?" Nova sighed, "He can stay as long as he wants. But for right now, he's staying until we can clear his name. I assume that Orchid filled you in?" Steve nodded, "He's been here since you found him, right?" Nova nodded, "Yes. Why?" Steve frowned, "Nancy called me. There's been another murder. Fred Benson. He was helping Nancy out at the trailer park when he went missing. They just found his body in the middle of the road in the same state as Chrissy's."

Nova frowned and looked at Eddie, who looked frightened. Eddie spoke up, "They're blaming me, aren't they?" Steve sighed but Orchid beat him to it, "Not officially. You're just a person of interest for now, not a suspect." Nova hugged Eddie who hugged back. Max even held Eddie's hand in comfort. Eddie smiled thankfully at Max and kissed Nova's cheek. That, shocked Steve for a moment before he came back to himself, "Ok, when did the kissing and hugging and... that, happen?" Nova and Eddie blushed as Max spoke, "This afternoon, duh." Eddie frowned as he processed Steve's words, "They were at the trailer park? My uncle, is he ok?" 

Steve shrugged, "I think so. Nance said she spoke to him briefly before she noticed that Fred was missing. He mentioned that this had happened before and that a man named Victor Creel blamed a demon in his house that killed his family." Nova frowned, "When exactly did this happen?" "Back in the 1950s. Victor was declared insane and locked up for life. Nancy and Robin are going to infiltrate the asylum where he's being held tomorrow to find out exactly what happened and why he survived." Nova nodded, "Then there's nothing to do but wait until they get more information. Well, other than eating dinner and getting some sleep."

Max frowned, "Can we order a pizza or two?" Nova nodded, "Sure! Steve's going to buy for us, right Stevie?" Steve looked startled and glared lightly before he sighed, "Fine. I'll go order. One Pepperoni with Sausage and one Extra Cheese, right?" The girls nodded as Eddie shrugged, "Sure." Steve went to the phone to order as everyone else settled down in the living room. Nova sighed, "I just... What exactly is the connection between Chrissy and Fred? What did they have in common that drew Vecna to them?" Eddie looked at Nova, "Wasn't Fred in some kind of accident? I remember seeing him come out of Ms. Kelly's office before." Max looked up, "I saw Chrissy come out of Ms. Kelly's office yesterday! She seemed really upset."

Nova snapped her fingers, "That's it! That's the connection! Or a connection at least. If only we knew why..." Max thought for a moment, "Maybe you should talk to her? Tell her your symptoms, your nightmares but say that I've been having them. That should get her to at least talk to you." Eddie frowns and looked from Max to Nova in concern, "Symptoms? Nightmares? What are you talking about?" Nova looked at Eddie and told him about the nightmares, headaches and sudden nosebleeds she's been having. Eddie's frowned deepened, "That's... Nova. I don't want to scare you, but I talked to Chrissy and asked her why she wanted the drugs. She said the same thing you are now." Nova's eyes widened in fear, "Wh... what?" Max looked at Eddie, suddenly scared for Nova, "Are you sure?!" Eddie nodded, "Yeah, but the only way to be 100% is to talk to Ms. Kelly."

Steve came into the room, "Ok, so the pizzas should be here by..." He noticed the grim mood in the room, "What'd I miss?" Orchid looked fearfully at her boyfriend, "According to Eddie, Nova could be Vecna's next possible target." Steve's eyes widened as he looked at his best friend, "When?" Nova looked at Steve, "No idea." Steve frowned, "I'll call Nancy and let her know. This just became more personal." Steve went back to the phone and dialed Nancy.

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