Chapter 13

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As Nova and Billy worked on Nova's assignments together, Max and Will were chatting in the kitchen. "So, how come Mike won't let me join the party?" Will frowned, "He's protective of how things are. Plus, after I went missing last year, A girl, El, helped them try to find me and Mike.. I think he developed a crush on her and then she just kind of.. disappeared. So, now he's wary of anyone joining the party." Max frowned, "What do you mean she just disappeared? Where did she go?" Will just shrugged, "Don't know. They really wouldn't say what happened. My mom and Hopper found me and took me to the hospital by the time she went missing. So, I've never met her." Max looked confused, "Then.. how do you know she was real?" "My mom. She talked and comforted El when they were trying to find me." Max nodded but was still suspicious of the whole "El" thing.


Billy was telling/teaching Nova how to solve a particular problem. Nova frowned but finally got it and finished the last of her assignments. Nova sighed as she relaxed back into the couch, "I don't know what made my head hurt worse, the concussion or the homework. Thank God it's Friday!" Billy laughed softly and smiled at his girlfriend, "How about I take you out on a date tomorrow? Just you and me, the entire day?" Nova smiled warmly, "I'd like that. Very much so." Billy grinned and kissed Nova lovingly, to which Nova responded in kind. Jonathan came out of his room and cleared his throat loudly causing Billy and Nova to break their kiss and glare at Jonathan. Jon rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen, messing with Will's hair when he saw him. Will griped at his brother and Max laughed.

Jonathan grabbed a drink from the fridge and a snack off the table and headed back towards his room before stopping where Nova and Billy were. He took a breath and sighed it out, "I'm sorry." He looked at Billy, "I'm just.. overprotective of my family and you didn't exactly give the best first impression." Billy looked at Jonathan, "I'm sorry. I would never let anything hurt Nova. Not even me. I love her." Jonathan nodded and walked away back to his room. Nova smiled at Jonathan's back and turned her smile towards Billy, "Well, I think he just gave his "ok" for us to be together."

Billy grinned, "Good. But in retrospect, I would still be dating you without it. I am a rebel after all." Nova laughed loudly and Billy joined in. Nova calmed down and kissed Billy again. Billy smiled into the kiss, feeling happier than he's ever been. As they were kissing, Max noticed the time and got up. She groaned seeing Nova and Billy kiss, "Aw come on.. Billy! We have to go home its almost time for our curfew." Billy broke the kiss and sighed, "Got to go. See you tomorrow?" Nova nods with a smile, "Absolutely." Billy gave her another quick kiss and got up to leave with Max in tow.

Nova and Will walked them to the door and waved goodbye to Max and Billy as they drove off. Nova smiled and shuffled Will back inside before shutting the door. Joyce smiled as Will laughed from being suddenly tickled by Nova, "Alright, time for bed! One of you has a date tomorrow." Joyce smirked and laughed as Nova blushed brightly. Nova stopped tickling Will and ran off to her room, "I CALL FIRST DIBS ON THE BATHROOM!" Will laughed as Jonathan poked his head out of his room, "WHAT?! NO FAIR NOVA!" Nova laughed as she grabbed underwear and some cute pjs before getting to the bathroom and shutting and locking the door. Joyce just shook her head and laughed.

The Next Morning~

Nova groaned as she awoke the next morning. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She looked around groggily and sighed, "I need to unpack tomorrow." She then remembered her date with Billy and blushed, "Oh gods, what am I going to wear?" She roamed her suitcases and eventually found this lovely outfit.

" She then remembered her date with Billy and blushed, "Oh gods, what am I going to wear?" She roamed her suitcases and eventually found this lovely outfit

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She got changed and went into the kitchen and spotted Bob with Will having breakfast. Bob spotted her first and smiled, "Morning! Want some breakfast?" Nova smiled but shook her head, "No thanks. I'm never really all that hungry when I first wake up. I'll just have a glass of Orange Juice." Bob nodded, "Understandable." Before she made her way over to the fridge, Joyce handed her a glass for her OJ causing Nova to smile, "Thanks!" She poured her some juice just in time for Jonathan to come into the kitchen and take it from her, "Hey!" Jonathan just grinned, "Payback for taking first dibs on the bathroom last night." Nova glared half-heartedly, "Jerk."

Joyce laughed and handed her another glass. Nova poured herself some more OJ and put the carton back in the fridge. She sat down at the table next to Jonathan and poked him for good measure. Jonathan chuckled and grabbed him some pancakes and bacon. "Not hungry?" Nova took a drink of her OJ and shook her head, "Nope. Not when I first wake up." Jonathan nodded. Joyce finally sat down next to Bob and looked at Nova, "What time is Billy picking you up for your date?" Bob smiled, "Oh, so that's why you look all dolled up." Nova laughed softly, "I honestly don't know. We never set a time. I assume he'll show up when.." Just about then, a familiar engine roar was heard, "..he wants to. I guess now."

Nova got up, adjusted her skirt and went to the window, smiling when she saw her boyfriend walking up to the door. Just as Billy knocked, Nova opened the door with a smile. "Morning Billy!" Billy smiled, "Ready to go?" Nova smiled sheepishly, "Not yet. I forgot to do my makeup. Wasn't expecting you to show up so early. Come in, I'll be quick." Billy nodded and walked inside and closed the door behind him. Nova kissed his cheek and left to the bathroom to do her makeup as Billy walked into the kitchen, "Morning everyone." Joyce smiled, "Hello Billy! May I ask what you have planned for today?" Billy shrugged, "Honestly, I have no idea. I haven't taken the time to really look around and I figured Nova & I could do that today. Enjoy the sights and just spend time together.

Bob grinned, "Sounds like a great idea to me. But, if you want to take her out for food, I recommend the local diner. It has some of the best food in town." Billy smiled and nodded, "Thanks. I was worried about where to take her." Bob nodded, "No problem." Just then, Nova came out from the bathroom and Billy smiled in awe. "Beautiful.."

Nova smiled with a blush and walked over to Billy and looked at her family

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Nova smiled with a blush and walked over to Billy and looked at her family. Joyce squealed in delight and told Jonathan to grab his camera. Jon chuckled at the embarrassed look on Nova's face as he did so. Her and Billy smiled as Jonathan snapped a picture of them before they left on their date.

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