Chapter 4

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Nova watched as Billy and Steve battled/played basketball. Billy would nudge and taunt Steve while Steve would snap at him to shut up and nudge him right back. Nova grimaced as Billy got away with shoving Steve without the couch noticing. She didn't understand why Billy was being so mean to Steve. But it needed to stop. Once the couch called for a timeout, Nova decided to call Billy over. "Billy!" Billy looked up and ran over to Nova and grinned at her, panting slightly. "What's up, doll?" "What's going on? Why did you shove Steve like that?" Billy frowned, "Why are you so worried about Harrington?" Nova frowned this time, "I'm not! I'm worried about you getting into trouble Billy."

Billy's frown turned into a grin as he leaned forward to kiss Nova's cheek, "I'll be fine, doll. Don't worry." Nova blushed brightly at the cheek kiss and looked at Billy in shock, "I.. um.." Billy laughed, "Did I make you speechless, doll? My girl deserved more than a cheek kiss but I'll wait until tonight for that." He winked at her before going back to his teammates when the coach blew his whistle. Nova watched him go and giggled like a complete girl before she sat down again.

Steve was watching Billy and Nova and frowned when he saw Billy kiss Nova's cheek. He shouldn't be feeling this protective of someone he just met but he was. He got back to the game and played against Billy again. When they got close to each other, Steve spoke, "I know your type Hargrove. I used to be that type. If you hurt Nova.." Billy cut him off, "Don't worry about my girl, Harrington. She's not your concern." Steve growled and went to take the shot but was knocked down by Billy who stole the ball and made a slam dunk for his team. Nova cheered for Billy when he dunked. Billy went over to Steve to help him up and whispered into his ear, "Stay away from Nova, she's mine."

He pushed away from Steve and walked with his teammates to the locker room as PE was finally over. Steve was glaring at Billy's back as he followed his teammates back to the locker rooms as well. Nova sighed as she thought 'Boys would be boys' and followed the other girls to their locker room to shower and change. After she showered, she left the stall to grab her clothes only to notice they were missing. She looked around and asked multiple girls if they had seen her clothes and each one either said no or ignored her. Finally, she found her clothes.. partially sticking out of the trash can. She grimaced and looked around at the girls who started laughing. "Are you serious right now? Really?!" 

One girl spoke up, "Well, it would make sense that they're in the trash, considering you are trash." Nova glared, "Excuse me?" Another girl spoke, "Yeah! Trash girls like you don't belong with hotties like Billy. So you should go back to your can and leave him to us more classy girls." They all cackled and Nova growled, "Classy? CLASSY?!" They all stopped and stared, "You call yourselves classy but exactly, how many boys have you all fucked? Truthfully? Cause I know I only had one guy in my past that I had sex with and we were dating. How many of you whores were sleeping with other guys behind your boyfriend's backs?" The girls grimaced and stepped back, "Yeah, that's what I thought. And you had the gall to call ME trash. Fuck you!"

Nova went and grabbed an extra pair of gym clothes before putting them on and left the locker room. She was this close to crying when she bumped into Steve this time. He looked at her confused and saw that she was seconds away from crying and hugged her. "What happened? Why are you still in your gym clothes?" They walked together, both not noticing Billy's glare on Steve. Nova told him what had happened and he sighed, "C'mon. I'll drive you home real quick so you can change and come back. You have a free period right now, right?" Nova nodded, sniffling, "You don't have to do that Steve. I was gonna ask Jon to borrow his car." Steve sighed and shook his head, "I insist." Nova sighed and smiled softly at him, "Thanks you, Stev.." 

She yelped as Steve was tackled from behind and to the ground by Billy. "Oh my god! Billy, stop! STOP!" Steve and Billy wrestled each other, punching each other occasionally until some teachers pulled them apart. Nova was asked to follow them as they escorted the boys to the principal's office. Once there, they were sat down with Nova in between the boys. She looked at both boys, first Steve then Billy. "What the hell Billy?! Why would you..?" Billy grunted and looked away from her. "I gave him fair warning." "What do you mean by 'fair warning'?" Steve spoke up, "Apparently, he's claimed you for himself and I was told to stay away from you." 

Nova looked shocked and appalled at that. She glared at Billy, "Okay, first of all, I am NOT an object that you can claim. Second, how dare you assume such. And third, Steve is my friend. He was offering to help me home to grab some different clothes because your fan groupies, took mine while I was showering and threw them in the trash. Nothing more. If you're gonna act like this, then maybe we should rethink this date we have tonight." Billy grimaced as he got scolded by Nova and looked down at his feet, trying to calm himself down. The principle called Nova in first and she told him what she saw happen before he allowed her to leave. She glared at both boys and left to find Jonathan.


Nova had finally found Jon and asked him if he would help her out. He agreed since he was taking Will to his appointment anyways. Nova was still upset and Jon could tell. They arrived at the middle school just in time to see Will walk out with a teacher. He had a frown on his face but it turned into a smile when he saw Nova with his brother. Nova smiled softly and opened her door so Will could hug her. Will did and took a step back before noticing her attire, "How come you're in your gym clothes?" Nova sighed and motioned her head to the backseat, "Go ahead and get in the back and i'll tell you and Jonathan why." Will nodded and got into the backseat. Once he was buckled in, Jonathan took off for the appointment.

While they were driving, Nova told them everything. From the meeting Billy to the fight between Steve and Billy. Will frowned and Jonathan sighed, gripping the wheel tightly. "I guess Steve was right about Billy." Nova looked at Jonathan, "What?" Jon shrugged, "He mentioned that Billy looked like trouble and well.." Nova sighed and frowned, "I have the absolute worst taste in men apparently.." Will frowned and sighed, "High School dating sounds like a lot of drama." Jonathan cracked a smile and Nova laughed, "Yeah, you're not wrong about that Will. Not wrong at all."

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