Chapter 10

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Billy was driving down the road with Nova and Max. Nova had turned on the radio, because it was too quiet. 'Jessie's Girl' by Rick Springfield came on and Nova smiled, "Ooh, this is a good one." Nova started softly singing with the song causing Billy to smile and chuckle. He was really falling for this girl next to him. Max was shocked to see Billy actually smiling, not just grinning sarcastically or smirking like a jerk. He was genuinely smiling at this girl. He liked her, like REALLY liked her. As she was thinking, the song had changed to 'Cum on, Feel the Noize' by Quiet Riot and now both Nova & Billy were singing to the music. Max hoped this girl would change Billy for the better.

As Nova and Billy sang, they reached the middle school and dropped off Max. Nova got out and let Max out of the back, "You have a good day, ok?" Max smiled softly at Nova and nodded before going inside. Nova got back into the car and Billy drove off to the high school. "You know Billy, your step-sister is actually kind of sweet. If I may ask, why don't you like her?" Billy frowned and sighed, "It's not that I don't like her.. I just.. I don't know how to feel about her." Nova frowned and got a good look at Billy's face, seeing a small bruise. "Billy.. Did you get into a fight last night? You have a.." Billy shook his head, "No. Please don't ask any more." Nova frowned, "Sorry. I was just worried."

Billy took one hand off the wheel, took Nova's hand in his and kissed it. "I'm ok. I'll be ok." Nova nods, "If you ever need help, I'm here for you. You know that right?" Billy pulled into a space at the school and smiled at her before kissing her, "I know. Thank you." He turned off the ignition and they both got out of the car. Billy wrapped his arm around Nova's shoulders as they walked inside the school. There was a group of girls that were glaring at Nova in jealousy as Billy walked her to her locker. Nova saw this and rolled her eyes before flipping them off causing Billy to laugh. He had seen the girls and decided to let his girl handle them.

They reached Nova's locker which was conveniently nearby to Billy's, and Steve's. Billy left to grab things from his locker just as Steve approached Nova. "Hey Nova. Um, did Nancy get home ok?" Nova looked at Steve after getting what she needed and closing it. "Not exactly. Neither Billy or I knew where she lived so we took her to my house to let her sleep it off on the couch. She's getting a ride with Jonathan, Will and Mike." Steve frowned and sighed, "Oh right.. sorry. I should've given you her address." Nova smiled softly, "It's all good Steve. See? There she is with.. Jonathan." Steve turned around to see Nancy and Jonathan laughing and talking. 

Steve glared at the scene and rushed off with a jealous huff. Nova pressed her lips together in a thin line before she was startled by Billy touching her shoulder. "Everything ok? Harrington looked.. Oh." He spotted Steve's girlfriend, Nancy and Nova's cousin, Jonathan laughing and talking. "Ouch. No wonder he looked pissed." "Yeah, I hate to say it but.. I think my cousin has more in common with Nancy than Steve does." Billy nods his agreement just as the bell rings, "Oop, time to go." Nova nods and walks with Billy to class.


Nova sighed as she stretched before shutting her locker, yelping when she spotted a familiar face suddenly. "Eddie! Not cool!" Eddie laughed, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I saw you and decided to say hi." Nova chuckled, "That was one hell of a hello! Hey, I didn't see you at English. Where were you?" Eddie shrugged, "At my spot, smoking and skipping class." Nova snorted, "That's not exactly a smart way to graduate. You actually need to go to class for that to happen, you know." Eddie just grinned, "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me princess. I'm good. Now that I've said my hello, I've got to go. See you around Princess!" Eddie rushed off somewhere and Nova just laughed as Billy approached her, "Who was that?" Nova could sense the jealousy coming off of Billy and kissed him deeply. Billy relaxed and kissed back.

They broke their kiss and looked at each other. "He's just a friend. His name is Eddie. We bumped into each other at the party last night." Billy nodded, "Shall we head to lunch?" She nodded and he wrapped his arm around Nova's shoulders again and lead her to the cafeteria. They walked in and Billy and her were swarmed by the guys from last night along with Tommy H., "All hail the Keg Stand King and Queen!" Both Billy and Nova laughed as they got their lunch and sat down together. They all ate and talked as the lunch hour went by. The bell rang for their next class and everyone left the cafeteria. Billy and Nova walked to gym and kissed each other's cheek as they went into the respective locker rooms.


AN: Ugh.. so sleepy. I'm sorry if this seems short but I'm tired and can no longer focus on the screen. See ya later!

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