Chapter 28

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The plan, as far as Nova and Billy knew, was going off without a hitch. Eleven was hidden safely in the mall, Hopper, Joyce and Murray were getting close to shutting down the gate device and the Mindflayer creature was distracted by Jonathan, Nancy and Orchid. Apparently, thanks to Will's walkie talkie, he was close by, Nova and Billy could hear Dustin and his VERY REAL girlfriend, Suzie, sing 'A Never-Ending Story' to one another before Suzie gave them the codes, they needed to shut down the machine.

Nova was giggling and Billy was biting his lip to not laugh aloud. Unfortunately, that's when shit hit the fan. Billy lost control for a split second and that was enough for the Mindflayer to hear Dustin use the word "Decoy" and "Safe in the Mall" before the creature stopped chasing Jonathan's car and started heading back towards the mall. Nancy noticed first and spoke into the walkie talkie, "Dustin! I think it heard you somehow." Nova gasped and looked into Billy's black eyes before he clutched his head, and they turned blue again. Billy frowned, "Shit. He's coming back. It's my fault."

Nova shook her head, "No, it was Dustin and his big mouth." Will spoke into his Walkie, alerting everyone that the Mindflayer knew and was coming back. Dustin grimaced, "Oops. Shit." He looked at Steve who was running towards the car with Robin in tow. Jonathan turned around and drove the girls back to the mall. Billy suddenly started screaming and clutching his head, scaring Nova and the others, "I... I can't hold him back much longer! GAAAAHHHH!!!" Nova went to comfort Billy, to calm him down but Billy's eyes turned black, and she was back handed away.

Flayed!Billy went looking for Eleven just as the Mindflayer creature burst through the mall's ceiling. Lucas and Will started throwing fireworks at the creature to distract it. Apparently, they store the fireworks from the gas station where Eleven got infected with the slug. Jonathan, Nancy & Orchid arrived just as Steve & Robin did and they all ran inside the mall. Steve, Nancy and Jonathan started helping Lucas and Will by throwing fireworks as Orchid and Robin helped Nova stand up.

By that time, Flayed!Billy had found where Max and Mike had hidden Eleven. He backhanded Max away as she tried to reason with him and hit Mike in the face when he tried to fight him off. He grabbed Eleven and dragged her out to the Mindflayer and presented her to him. Nova saw this and broke free of Robin & Orchid and ran towards Flayed!Billy & Eleven. She managed to knock Flayed!Billy to the ground, who hit his head on a planter. Nova tried to get Eleven and herself away from the Mindflayer but only managed to get Eleven out of the way.  It had Nova cornered. Orchid screamed Nova's name which caught everyone's attention, including Billy who was back in control.

He saw the woman he loved get cornered by the creature and barely managed to step in to save her before it was too late. Nova screamed just as Billy caught the two tentacles coming towards her with his bare hands. Billy turned his head to look at Nova, "Agh! I'm sorry. For everything that's happened so far this year. I wish I could've fought harder." As he spoke, the boys minus Mike, and Nancy ran out of fireworks. Billy screamed as he was impaled on both of his sides but kept his eyes trained on Nova, "I love you, always and forever." Max and Mike had arrived just in time for Nova to scream/wail as Billy was impaled in the chest.

Suddenly, the creature began to convulse violently and the tentacles that held Billy let go and his body hit the ground. Nova rushed over to Billy, as did Max, but there was nothing they could do. Billy was dying and no one could help him. Billy gasped and coughed up blood as he looked up at Nova and Max, "Be happy." He smiled one last time to his girls before he closed his eyes and stopped breathing. Nova wailed in agony as Max cried and screamed at Billy to wake up. They had stopped the Mindflayer, but at too high a cost. Billy was dead... and soon, everyone would find out, so was Hopper.

Timeskip, A Few Weeks Later~

There were so many funerals for those lost in the fire that consumed Starcourt Mall. The mayor was arrested on charges of treason and was locked up. Nova was currently sitting on her and Billy's... well, she guessed it was just her bed now. She was looking at a photo of her and Billy, it was a picture of them right before their first non-party date. She was dressed in a simple but elegant black dress, waiting for the time of Billy's funeral. Max soon came into the room wearing a black dress, "It's time sis." In Billy's will, he left complete custody of Max to Nova if anything tragic happened to him. Nova looked over at Max and nodded before she put the photo back on the dresser and walked out of the room with Max.

It was raining again. Nova held an umbrella for her and Max as they stood over the grave that held Billy's body. The headstone read...

Nova's tears were silent as Max let loose some muffled sobs

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Nova's tears were silent as Max let loose some muffled sobs. Nova sniffled and moved Max away and started for the car. Nova looked over her shoulder one last time and whispered, "Goodbye, my love." before she turned back around and walked with Max back to the car. They arrived at home few moments later and Nova completely broke down. She fell to the floor and cried causing Max to hug her tightly and cry as well. They both just held each other and cried for their loss.

Another Timeskip, A Few Months Later~

Nova was helping her aunt Joyce with the moving boxes. Turns out, The Byers and Eleven were moving to California for a fresh start. Nova was sad to see them leave but she could understand Joyce's decision to leave. It was hard to stay here after what happened but ultimately, this is where Max and Nova felt their happiest. After the last box was in the truck, the Byers said goodbye to everyone and took off for California. Nova sighed and hugged Max to her. They both watched as the car and moving truck disappear down the road before getting into Nova's mustang and driving back home. As they drove, "Rock You Like A Hurricane' came on the radio causing both Nova and Max to slowly start singing along to Billy's favorite song. Deep down, they knew everything was going to be ok for them. Billy, their hero true, was watching over them.


AN: *cries* Its over! That's it for Season 3!

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