Chapter 39

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As they ate breakfast, Nova had the radio going and 'More Than A Feeling' by Boston was playing. Suddenly, the phone rang qnd Steve was the one to get up and answer it. "Hello? Hey Nance. Okay, I'm sure Orchid will help you out. I'll tell her to meet you at your place. Okay, bye." Steve hung up and turned to see everyone staring.

Orchid had a particular confused face and looked at her boyfriend, "And what am I helping Nancy with exactly?" Steve shrugged, "Dunno. She said she'd explain when she got here. She's on her way now." Orchid sighed, "Nothing to do but wait then."

Just then, the washer buzzed, letting everyone know that it was finished. Nova got up and transferred Eddie's clothes from the washer to the dryer. She started the dryer, went back to her chair and sat back down. She looked at Eddie, "Should be about another 45 minutes before they're dry."

Eddie nodded in thanks, as he ate his food. He swallowed, "Thank god. These sweats are not my style." Steve rolled his eyes and sat down as Dustin and Max laughed. They all finished their breakfast and Nova with Eddie's help, washed the dishes.

Just as they finished, there was a knock on the door. Eddie hid in the laundry room as Max answered the door. It was Nancy. Nova motioned to Eddie to come out as Nancy walked in and Max shut the door. Nancy spotted Eddie and stopped in shock for a second before she shook her head. "Has he been here the whole time?"

Nova answered, "Sort of, yeah." Nancy nodded but frowned, "What is.. why is he wearing Steve's jock sweats?" Orchid spoke up, "Not important right now. What did you need Nancy? Did you find something else out?" Nancy looked over at Orchid and nodded, "Yes. It turns out that Robin got called in to work since Steve called off so I need you to help me infiltrate the asylum where Mr. Creel is locked up."

Orchid blinked, "I uh.. me? Uh, ok." Nancy smiled and nodded, "Ok, we need to get your outfit ready." Orchid looked confused, "Outfit?" Nancy nodded, "Yes, we'll be portraying two college students wanting info on the Creel Murders for a history project." Orchid nodded, "Ok, my room is this way.." Steve suddenly spoke up, worried for his girlfriend, "Hold on. Is this safe? I mean, you both could get into a lot of trouble."

Orchid smiled and kissed Steve's cheek, "Don't worry. We'll be ok." Dustin piped up, "Oh! We can keep in contact with these." He dug into his backpack and pulled out some walkie talkies with a gizmo attached. "I modified these with mini-cerebros for longer distance communication." Eddie looked impressed, "Way to go Henderson." Dustin grinned as he gave one to Nancy.

Nancy nodded gratefully, "Thanks. Ok now, Orchid and I will go get her outfit situated and head out." She looked at Nova in sympathy, "We'll figure this out. He won't get you. Not on our watch." Nova gave Nancy a grateful smile, "Thanks Nance." Said girl nodded and followed Orchid into her room. Max sighed, "What do the rest of us do?"

Nova frowned and looked up, "I need to go visit Billy's grave. I.. have some personal things to talk to him about." Everyone frowned. Eddie took Nova's hand and Steve frowned, "I know you want privacy but.. I think someone should go with you." Max nodded, "I'll go with her. Dustin, do you have another one of those super walkie talkies?" Dustin nodded and handed one to Max, "Steve and I will stay here with Eddie.."

Eddie spoke up, "Wait. Harrington, I want you to go with them. So there's an extra level head." Steve nodded, "You got it." Eddie looked at Nova, "Be safe and come back to me, ok?" Nova smiled lovingly, "I will." Just then, Orchid and Nancy came out and were filled in on Nova's request.

Nancy nodded, "Alright. We'll call with any information we get and eventually meet back here. Got it?" Everyone nodded and went their seperate ways. Nancy and Orchid in Nancy's car and Nova, Steve and Max in Steve's car. Nova made a breif glance at the covered Camaro before looking straight ahead as Steve pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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