01: Wedding Night

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She looked beautiful in her puffy floor-length dress. It was an enchanting teal dress that complimented her honey skin. It was decorated with royal blue ornaments. It had a soft neckline and off shoulder sleeves that highlighted her slender neck.

This was her wedding gown.

Once the wedding ceremony finished, she had been ushered in by her new personal maid, Etta into an empty room with a huge bath pool.

She waited and looked around for a bit before another door burst open and a dozen women spilled into the room with night dresses, creams, and ointments. Nakita instantly knew they were preparing for her wedding night.

Taking in a deep breath, she let them do what they wanted, at this point there was no reason to resist.

They stripped her of the wedding garment. Although she was embarrassed, they didn't bat an eye and immediately ushered her to a wide spaced area with a bath the size of a pool. Steam almost covered her vision. They guided her through the scented fog to the bath and gently sank her into the heated water with pink and purple petals floating around.

Skillful fingers glazed through her wet hair, softly de-tangling her hair.

"Please do tell me if you feel any pain, your grace," a woman said.

"Okay." Nakita closed her eyes as the women washed her, almost scrubbing her honey skin raw.

Once done, they took her out of the bathtub and put her into this really soft and fluffy robe before guiding her to another section of the room. Nakita sat down on a chair, facing a mirror and watched as they dried her hair, putting creams and fragrances, making it look shiny in the dim light. They put it into a bun before removing the robe she had on and nearly bathing her in vanilla oil, which they told her was the grand duke's favourite.

Her heart was beating like it would explode as they started doing the finishing touches; they put her into this silk dress that stopped just above her knees. She had never worn this sort of dress before; she had seen other girls wear them, but she never thought she would be doing the same too.

"Your grace, there's no need to be so nervous, it's very normal. His royal highness is a very kind man, he won't do any harm on purpose." The woman said. She must have seen her worried face.

Nakita wasn't so sure about that statement, she had heard rumours of him in the small village she lived in and came from. How he was constantly sent to the battlefield since the age of ten and has been winning one war after the other. And because of this, he was ruthless. He was considered more of an animal than a sane being.

A beast in human flesh.

And Nakita couldn't agree more to that statement because when she saw him, her first thought was to run. He was massive. It looked like the clothes he was wearing were too tight for him or it didn't suit his stature. His bottomless black eyes were sharp like he was staring right through her when he glanced her direction. His face was stoic and cold, no expression. She was to marry a man like him.

Thankfully, no kissing was allowed when they declared themselves a couple. The bride and groom should have their first kiss as a married couple in private.

It was strange that he was a prince. She had always thought that princes should be sweet, gentle and charming, but there was nothing like that on the man she married.

Who knew this would happen to her. In just one day, her life changed forever.

Just yesterday, Nakita was a nineteen-year-old who finished secondary school in her little town, wanting to be a kindergarten teacher. She hasn't kissed a boy yet, let alone have a boyfriend, and now she was to marry a grand duke.

All because, unbeknownst to her, her mother was friends with the queen who regularly visited. The whole time, Nakita thought she was her aunt. She never knew she had a son or a husband; the queen just had an aura of a rich, cool aunt that travelled the world. This just showed how little her village was, she was quite sheltered from what was around her.

She didn't even know how to feel about her mother now. Her mother was supposed to be her helper, but here they were.

She was not sure if she was marrying someone who saw her as a human or as an object to take care of, or a property that they had won. After all, after conquering so many wars, the king granted his second son Nakita as his wife. Not only because she was young and pretty, but had never been touched by a man as well.

He could've refused, but for some reason, accepted it. Her mother told her that she had sent her picture to the king, and the prince approved of how she looked.

But during the entire wedding ceremony, he didn't even look her way or respond when she tried to talk to him. It was like he was trying his hardest to ignore her.

The woman with the friendly blue eyes looked in the mirror. "Is this your first?"

She blinked back into the present, confusion painted Nakita's face. "What?"

Without missing a beat, she responded. "Are you a virgin?"

Nakita instantly felt warm on her face, her cheeks were heating and her nerves skyrocketed. Why did they have to ask that question?

When the surrounding women noticed the look on her face, they burst into quiet giggles.

"Do not worry, dear, we have no right to judge. After all, we have all been there once upon a time." The woman smiled warmly, her motherly blue eyes looked at hers through the mirror before turning away.

After taking care of the small details, they plaited Nakita's hair into a loose braid down her back, leaving some strands free due to its shortness, but it gave her a nice look.

The woman looked at Nakita from head to toe and nodded in approval; her smile widened. "You look magnificent."

When they finished, Nakita's head was a bit light-headed as the nerves were getting the better of her. It felt like she could puke at any moment.

She was dressed in a nearly transparent robe and then taken to the bedroom where the duke and Nakita would begin their first night as husband and wife.

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