22: A Plan

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The days in Svingsta went by swiftly, Nakita spent as little time as possible with Maalik. Whenever he wanted to go out on a walk or tour with her, she would make an excuse for her not to go but insist on him going. Just so he could leave her alone.

This went on for about two days and a half before he caught on what she was doing. He used the children to convince her to go out with him by saying they would want to have pictures and things bought for them. He knew this was a lowly thing to do; he was getting desperate and knew using the children was the only way to get through her.

Unsurprisingly, that trick worked and they started going out to shops and famous tour sites to get a few pictures. Although this worked, it didn't help when having a communication with her; she never spoke unless asking questions on what the children would like the most, the clothes to buy, and toys to bring with them. It was impossible to get her to talk about anything else. However, Maalik didn't mind that much. He was happy to spend time with her, and he enjoyed the brightness in her eyes and the radiant smile she possessed whenever it came to their children. He just hoped that one day, with time, she would look at him the same way, too.

On the last day, they started to pack to head to the airport; it took the workers a while to pack their things; there were many bags containing toys and clothes for the children. They had pictures as well, Maalik managed to convince her to take a few with them in the picture.

Once they entered the plane, Maalik glanced to his side, she was sitting across from him, on the other side of the plane. Nakita had refused to sit by him, and he was shocked but not surprised; the only reason they had to be together was because of circumstances.

She was looking out silently from the window as the plane flew higher, overseeing landscapes and the busy streets. What could he do to make her trust him, to make her want him.

Once they had landed, they headed straight to the palace on Nakita's insistence; he had wanted them to spend another day together before picking up the children the next day, but she was having none of it.

Over the next few weeks, things went back to how it was. It was like they were never requested to leave the country to Svingsta and spend over a week together.

Now Maalik was sitting in his office, wondering what to do with the situation that he was in. Nakita had become more distant since that day, and only communicated with him through the children.

His mind drifted to a memory of when he tried to ease the tension between them:

Maalik offered her flowers. He heard it was something romantic, and that most women liked it.

Nakita stared at the bouquet, completely shocked. He watched her expression carefully. Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

Her hands slowly reached out, taking the bouquet of cherry roses; according to his memories, those were her favourites. She then looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, grand duke. I will find a good vase to put in."

That was when he knew this was a bad idea. Her smile, the way she looked at him. Her smile looked genuine, but her gaze was still indifferent to his gesture.

She was just being polite.

His heart sank with that realisation. She treated him the way she did everyone else.

"I...I bought chocolate as well." His voice was barely a whisper, but she heard it. He sounded almost defeated.

She took the box with a polite smile. "Right. The children will be very happy, thank you," she said before setting it aside.

"Yes...the children."

She didn't ask the type of chocolate, how many they were or if she even liked them. She didn't even bother to look at it. Nakita had already dismissed his gifts without a second thought.

A few moments later, Ian walked in. He was called over by Maalik, stating that it was an emergency. "Your grace, what seems to be the issue?"

"A marital issue."

"Ah, I see."

Ian took a seat across from him. He has been married for five years now, and has tried to help Maalik in what to do with his wife. It's funny how he was asking someone who has been married for five years about his almost ten years of marriage.

"Has there been any progress?"

"No, there is none. Any time I come close, she becomes distant."

His gaze drifted away toward the window. Nakita was playing outside with the children. Babette, his first daughter, was reading in the shade while the twins, Edwina and Damir were entertained by his wife. They were playing hide and seek.

"I think I'm losing her."

Ian leaned back. "To be quite honest with you, I don't think you are."

Maalik turned away from the window, his gaze trained on his friend. "And why would you say that?"

"She is afraid of trusting you again. You have to do something to calm her down."

A deep chuckle erupted from his lips. "And why is that? For the last almost 6 years, I've been trying to prove myself. There's no contact between Vanessa and I. What happened that day, I was just taken by surprise. Nakita knows we didn't kiss, but believes that it had happened before and we were just caught red-handed.

"How is this still my issue after so many years trying to win back her trust?"

Ian absentmindedly rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "If subtly wooing her and setting her at ease did not work, then we need to use another approach method."

"Which is what?"

"Confrontation." A grin spread across his lips.

Maalik stared at him for a solid few seconds. "That won't work. Am I supposed to approach her in an accusing manner? Won't that cause her to distance herself more?"

"No, I don't mean in an aggressive manner. Just show her that you are serious in mending the relationship and being more assertive in that."

Maalik stood up, moving to the window that overlooked the garden with Nakita and the children.

His eyes narrowed down on her, his wife. His dark gaze slowly descended her body, imagining it against his like it was about a month ago. She was so close but yet so far away.

"Thank you for your time, Ian" His voice held a strong sense of determination. "I can handle it from here. I know what to do."

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