10: Shared Moments

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Sliver of sunlight peeked through, forcing Nakita awake.

As her eyes adjusted, she sat up and looked around and there was this brown translucent curtain around the bed, making sure that nobody could see through. She noticed an arm slung over her waist; she followed it until she turned to see the person's face and it was Maalik.

Nakita stared at his face, and he looked gorgeous. He had the face of a child when he slept and was relaxed. He was so beautiful and adorable.

"It is not appropriate to stare at someone, you know?" he stated. She let out a squeak by his sudden remark. Maalik opened his eyes, having a lazy, playful smile on his lips.

"You were awake all along?" She felt embarrassed.

"Maybe," he said and smirked at her reaction.

He slowly pushed up with his elbow, a small warm smile bloomed in his face, there was something strange about how he looked at her; his eyes were more soft and sincere, he looked more approachable.

His almost black eyes were more brown. It had the same nostalgia of hot chocolate on a cold winter night; warm, comforting, and sweet.

How could a man like him choose a woman like her? "Why did you pick me to marry? I'm not a royal or a noble."

And almost immediately, Maalik's expression changed and became blank, his eyes darker again, closing her off from his thoughts.

"My mother likes you. It should be a good enough reason."

She turned to look out the window through the translucent curtains. The summer sun was already peeking out despite it being early in the morning.

Nakita hadn't eaten anything since they came here. Speaking of that, her stomach growled loudly.

"Oh, my apologies." Embarrassed, she covered herself with the blanket, wishing she could sink deep into the bed instead.

She heard him chuckle. "Let's walk around town and get some breakfast outside."

This time, her head poked out, already forgetting the embarrassing moment. "Really?" Excitement twinkled in her eyes.

"Yes, why not? Did you want to stay in all day? Unless... of course, if that is what you want..." He eyed her, desire brimming to the surface of his gaze. "I may have a few ideas to keep us occupied."

"No, thank you!" Blushing slightly, she jumped out and into the bathroom.

And Maalik enjoyed the short seconds of her naked body as she disappeared through the bathroom doors.

Eventually, the couple were ready to head into the town. The maids and servants packed the necessities needed in the car.

The car began to move to the small town once they entered.

20 minutes later, they arrived. Nakita stepped out, her white day dress got caught by the cool breeze which soothed her skin from the blazing summer sun. She made sure that her hat shielded her from the heat as well.

Maalik also stepped out, and without saying a word, he headed to the nearest shop. And she had no choice but to follow, he seemed to be familiar with the area.

He then ordered two cold drinks and headed out into the busy streets.

A small smile on her face, staring at the children running around. They looked so free.

Maalik watched her, her face was so relaxed and serene. Her thick dark hair was let down, brushing past her shoulders as she sipped on her drink with a straw, looking around.


She turned to him. "Hmm?"

"What do you want to do?"

Still sipping on the drink, she was deep in thoughts. "I just want to know more about you."

Maalik gazed at her for a moment before looking ahead. "There is nothing there to know about. I was sent to the war zone by the age of ten, and that was all I've known."

"You have no good childhood memories? What about Ian, he follows you around. How did you meet him?"

"I don't know if I would consider him as a friend, but it all started when we were about seven or eight years old. I was sitting on a thick branch in a tree and minding my business. Ian then came running toward the tree with full speed and banged his head on the tree. That was probably when his foolishness developed. Ian looked up and saw me looking back at him, then he flashed an annoying toothy grin and said: 'Let's be friends.'

"Since that day, he has been following me everywhere. I have been trying to avoid him in any way possible, to the point of telling my father that I want to be with him during the meetings. He was shocked at first since I was too young to understand what they were talking about, but I didn't care as long as I won't be seeing Ian again. Things went well for a few weeks before one day, I saw Ian with his father in the meetings as well.

"Whenever Ian saw me, he beamed and would try to talk to me during the meetings. After an entire month of avoiding him, I couldn't take it any longer, so I finally gave up, and he has been following me from that day. Bit by bit I became more comfortable around him, and that's how we became somewhat friends to this day."

"I think that's an adorable story."

Maalik glanced at her briefly and noticed she was already looking at him with a soft smile.

They spent hours talking and walking around the town until the early evening. Nakita was getting tired and they decided to go back to their vacation home.

Once they entered the car, Maalik pulled her close to his side, his hand held on to her waist. And for the first time, she didn't comment on that.

It could be because she was tired, but either way, peace and comfort settled in the car.

His hand caressed her cheek before brushing lightly through her hair. A ghost of a smile cracked his lips as he watched her snuggle more into him.

This marriage won't be bad after all.

During the two weeks, they learned more about each other; both good and bad.

Maalik told Nakita that he had an older brother, the crown prince, however they were never close; someone could mistaken them for acquaintances or business partners rather than blood brothers.

She agreed on the part at the wedding, that they acted like strangers.

And of course, during those weeks, Maalik never let her leave the bed other than the bathroom, eating food or their outing in the town. He even went as far as telling her that there was no need to be wearing clothes since they were the only ones in the house. But she bluntly shut down that suggestion. He probably won't leave her alone if she followed through with that request.

On the last day, it was time for them to go. They packed their bags and hit the road.

The simple-minded Nakita believed that their husband and wife's actions would end when they returned home, meaning they would sleep in different rooms..

But little did she know that Maalik had gotten too comfortable with her naked body against his. He was a no-nonsense man that did things the way he wanted and how he wanted. And no one could argue with him on that.

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