13: Gelson

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Weeks went by and things had settled down. Nakita had to get used to Vanessa visiting but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, she didn't look like a threat. And soon Nakita's jealousy subsided.

"Your grace."

Nakita looked up to see Etta rushing to her with a letter at hand. "What is it?"

"It's an invitation to the palace."

"Give it." Etta handed it to the grand duchess and she read through the contents. The banquet was held in three days and the crown would be attending, it was an important event.

"The Crown Prince Gelson? That's good news."

Since Maalik had gone, her and his brother Gelson had gotten close over the years, and he was someone she could say was her friend.

"Does the grand duke know about the invitation?"

She glanced up at Etta as the maid nodded her head. "Yes, madam. He had gotten the information as well."

Nakita nodded. "Alright then, we need to start preparing for the day. It's going to be the first time the duke and I will be seen out in public society together.

Three days had passed and it was quite hectic but it wasn't something she hadn't done before. Except having a husband by her side.

They were inside the car, on the way to the palace. This would have been easier if she had gone alone. It wasn't difficult to mingle with others, because she's the duchess. But with her husband, many would be nervous to be near them.

Nakita glanced to her side, Maalik wore a neat black suit, although it wasn't the traditional type that noblemen wore.

"What is it?"

Unbeknownst to her, he has been staring at her the whole time whilst she was looking at his clothes.

She lifted her gaze and met his dark ones. "Huh? Oh, nothing. It's just... your attire suits you well." Her cheeks deepened to a pink shade.

"You chose it, so I trust your judgement."

She then let out a huff, looking out the window. "You could've just said thank you."

"Oh, well, thank you."

Nakita remained silent, her gaze focused on the window. She had been in a somewhat sour mood after the visitations with that Vanessa Relish. Maalik had already reassured her that Vanessa was harmless and she should give her a chance to get to know her better.

Once they arrived, the event was in full swing, people coming over from different countries to mingle.

And as they headed deeper in the palace, Nakita noticed noblewomen were moving away, like they were avoiding her.

That was when the grand duchess realised that the grand duke was following her around like a shadow, and intimidated anyone to be around her. She tried to tell him to talk with the noblemen, but he bluntly refused.

Eventually, she gave up on that, and as she was looking through the crowds, her face lit up in recognition. Maalik noted her expression and followed her gaze until it reached a man.

His face darkened, and his hand immediately held Nakita by the waist, pulling her close to him. She looked up at him confused, and tried to pry his hand off, but was interrupted.

"Greetings, grand duke, grand duchess," Gelson greeted as he neared them.

Gelson was almost opposite to Maalik in both attitude and appearance. Gelson looked more like the queen, he was pale in complexion with soft features and kind eyes, and his hair resembled the colour of hazelnuts. As for Maalik, he had a deeper skin tone with a serious expression and a steel gaze, his hair leaned closer to raven; much like the king.

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