24: Trigger

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Nakita watched her husband leave before she prepared to leave the house as well. It looked like he was rather in a hurry.

Things have been going well for them, and it has been two months now. She still refused to share the same room despite Maalik's insistence, but she was not ready with it just yet. It was going toward that direction. Slowly but surely.

She stepped out of her room, clothed and went down the stairs. She was on her way to the palace; it has been a few days since then. And she wanted advice from Gelson, Maalik's brother who was also the crown prince.

Nakita has been visiting very often without the grand duke's notice. She didn't think it was necessary as she went when he wasn't at home and came back before he did. The maids and servants were aware of this but did not bother to tell the master of the household, as they believed it should not be a concern.

Once at the palace, she headed straight to his office, only to be informed that he wasn't there but was in his chambers.

Nakita hesitated at first to knock when she faced the door; it wasn't the first time she had entered his chambers. However, there was something hindering her from doing that straight away.

Once she pushed down that feeling, she lifted her fist to knock on the door. A few moments later, a fair man with chestnut hair came into view.

"Ah, Nakita. What a pleasure to have you in my presence." He leaned against the door frame.

She ignored that and entered the room; he moved away to let her pass before he shut the door.

Inside a vehicle, on the way back to the estate, Maalik couldn't wait to tell his wife the news.

It was their tenth year anniversary tomorrow. He has been planning for them to go to a romantic place, so he had placed a reservation for an entire restaurant's top floor for a whole day.

Maalik chuckled to himself as he looked out the window. He knew she wouldn't be so pleased booking a whole floor for the day, but he wanted to spend as much with her without distractions. They have come such a long way compared to their loveless marriage of almost six years.

Thinking back to that moment, his wife catching Vanessa almost kissing him, he had so much regret. He wished he had put more effort into being affectionate and attentive. But to give him some credit, he made a very clear line in his interaction with Vanessa. He went as far as warning Vanessa's father, Mr. Relish, that if his daughter came anywhere near him or his family; any future business partnerships will be null and void.

Since then, no hiccups have appeared. Last he heard about Vanessa was that she was to be married off, and that was four years ago. He couldn't care more about what happened to her; all that mattered was his sweet wife, Nakita.

The car came to a halt in front of his home. Once he stepped into the place, he noticed the atmosphere shift; the workers' faces tensed and so did their movements. Like they had been caught doing something.

"Your grace. You are back. Early." Anne, the head maid, wore a worried smile.

"And so? Is this not my house?" There was a harsh undertone to his voice; he was getting suspicious.

Anne nodded. "Y-yes, of course. Is there anything I can do for you, your grace?"

"Where is my wife?"

The maids and servants that were in earshot paused their actions. They all knew where the madam went, but they were not sure they could tell the master.

Maalik's eyes narrowed down at the head maid. "Didn't I ask you a question?"

Anne swallowed hard, it seemed like she couldn't hide this for long from him.

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