14: Milestone

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Nakita glared at him as she ate, stabbing the poor boiled eggs and bacon. Maalik chose to ignore her, he was wearing his formal attire and peacefully flipping through a page as he drank his tea.

Having enough of his indifference, she decided to speak. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" He placed his cup on the round table, his eyes not taken away from the book.

"You were... touching me when Etta came to the room this morning."

"I don't see the problem. This is our house, we can do what we want, it's their choice to look or turn the other way."

"But that's inappropriate--" Her voice was cut short when her stomach began to turn and contract.

"Nakita? Are you alright?" Maalik finally looked up and her face was pale and tired.


"Are you sure? You seem to be more sick lately."

His hand touched her forehead, cheek, and neck. She was roasting, but his hand relaxed her.

"Yes, I'm alright. You should be going now, you'll be late to your meeting." She gently pulled his hand from her neck, squeezing it in her hands.

"I can just reschedule--"

"No, no, do that, please. I'll be fine, I promise."

He didn't look convinced, but still nodded before standing up. "Alright then. I'll be going, make sure you get some rest and fresh air, you understand?"

She nodded before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. He withheld a chuckle when he noticed her blush. It was one of the many reasons he enjoyed giving her a kiss before leaving. He has been doing it for months now, and it never got old.

Once he left, the sour bile she had repressed suddenly resurfaced with full force. She ran into the bathroom and released everything she had consumed inside the toilet. As soon as she was done, she flushed it down before washing her mouth and face to cool down.

What was going on with her? This has been going on for weeks now, and Maalik was worried. And her menstruation was late as well.

Then she realised.

Could she be pregnant with child?

That possibility never crossed her mind at all. It was the most logical explanation to everything she was going through.

Nakita rushed to take a shower and left the estate to buy a few pregnancy tests. And immediately to the doctor to take a blood test and they said that it could take a few days for the results.

She rushed home after booking an appointment with a doctor in a week's time.

10 minutes.

She has been staring at the five pregnancy tests for 10 minutes.

All were positive.

She took a deep breath, trying to gain control of her thoughts. She had to first see the doctor to have an official report before she broke the news to Maalik. Nakita had no idea how he would react to it.

A week later, on her way back home, she kept looking at the paper from the doctor. It congratulated her that she was already 8 weeks pregnant. How could she not have noticed? The only thing left to do is to share this with Maalik.

She knew it was going to happen, eventually; they weren't wearing any kind of protection. Nakita had always wanted to be a mother, but was she ready? Could she be a good mother?

So many questions were left unanswered, but waiting to be discovered.

Nakita entered their room and changed to her night dress as the end of the day was drawing near. Maalik was out late because of the meetings. She waited for him until he came home at 9pm.

He entered their room after eating dinner, thinking that Nakita was fast asleep because she had recently begun sleeping early. So he was shocked when he saw her wide awake.

"Welcome back. I've been waiting for you."

"Is that so? And what could be the reason?"

He watched her hesitate, but she spoke up. "First, get changed, then we'll talk."

And he did just that, he put his nightwear on before sitting by Maalik on the edge of the bed. "What is it?"

"There's something I need to show you." She stood up to grab the confirmation letter and gave it to him.

She remained standing because she was nervous about his reaction as she watched him open it to read the contents.

His expression went through different emotions; first curiosity, then confusion, doubt, surprise before it settled on shock. His gaze snapped to hers.

"You... you are pregnant," he said as he stood up, nearing her.

"Yes, I found out this morning. Already 8 weeks in."

When she told Maalik, she didn't know how he would react. But didn't have to worry when she saw the sheer shock and happiness in his eyes, lighting up his face.

Maalik squeezed her tight and showered her with kisses.

He carried her and dropped her on the bed, following her down. He kissed her lips and trailed down; he paused when he reached her belly, and her breath caught. Maalik kissed her belly softly, carefully, before moving back to her lips. He slipped his tongue between her lips full of tenderness. Maalik pulled back, his eyes hot with desire.

It was going to be a long night.

The next morning, Nakita woke up with Maalik already staring down at her.

"How are you feeling?"

She looked at him in disbelief. How was she supposed to answer that? Her hair was a mess, her waist was aching and her nether regions... let's not talk about that.

And yet here he was, laying beside, having the biggest smirk, like a child who finally got his favourite candy for breakfast.

This man may have little sexual experience, but with his stamina he could surely tire a woman out. It felt like she was the inexperienced one.

"Remove that smirk off your face. I don't know what's there to be happy early this morning."

Maalik's expression relaxed and softened. There was something about the way he looked at her, a look of serenity, peace, and contentment. His eyes almost glowed with admiration as he gently caressed her cheek.

"You're pregnant... I'm going to be a father."

A soft smile tugged on Nakita's lips when he said that. Like he couldn't believe he had reached such a huge milestone in his life.

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