19: Svingsta

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Nakita and Maalik were called to the palace by the king for an important meeting. Nakita was quite nervous of what it could be; anytime they visited with the request by the king, it was always something she disapproved of.

Nakita stared out the window, trying to ignore Maalik's close presence beside her.

Ever since that night he kissed her, she has been avoiding him to the extreme; left the room the moment he entered, not looking at his face and using the children to communicate with him if needed. In return, he has been aggressively forcing himself into her space.

Just like now, he had refused to leave her side. His body was bumping into her with each movement of the car. He even had the nerve to try holding her hand a few too many times, but she kept removing it away. Eventually, he gave up on that, but it didn't stop him from staring at her.

She glared at the scenery passing by. She couldn't even enjoy it. This man was getting on her very last nerves.

After what felt like forever, they finally reached the palace.

Nakita didn't even wait for the car to come to a complete halt before she opened it and stepped out of it. She couldn't bear to be near him more than it was necessary.

Before she could go any further, an arm wrapped around her shoulder. Maalik's grip tightened and pulled her closer to him when he noticed she was trying to protest. He wasn't letting her go this time, not after the kiss they shared. It sparked a new sense of determination that he'd lost years back, to win her trust again. Eventually, her love and affection.

"Your grace, let go of me at this very moment." She managed to stay through gritted teeth. People were watching and she didn't want to cause a scene in public.

Maalik then kissed her on the cheek. He knew she couldn't do anything to him out here in public.

Nakita stayed still and silent, but within, she was boiling and fuming with anger. How dare this man take advantage of this situation that they were in and use it to his own benefit?

But she did nothing until they were out of sight. Once that was the case, she peeled herself away and headed straight to the king's office.

"Oh, my daughter-in-law!" The king neared her, giving her a bear hug to which she warmly received.

"Good day, sir. I hope your health has been doing you a great favour." Her nonchalant tone of voice was immediately replaced with affection.

Maalik didn't like it.

He let out a hearty laugh. "Yes yes, it has."

The grand duke later came in, approaching his wife and father. "Father, how have you been lately?"

His hand then grabbed his wife's waist and held it firmly.

King Catol took notice of his daughter's stiff and uneased expression but didn't comment. The queen had informed him that his son and daughter-in-law's relationship has been very strained over the years.

He had been trying to help mend things together between them without being noticed and obvious. Today was the day.

"There's an event that will be taking place abroad. The queen and I won't be able to attend, however there has to be a representative of this country. And so, we have agreed that the Grand Duke and Duchess would be great candidates for this situation."

Nakita stared at Catol for a solid 30 seconds to let the information sink in. She was to travel for an event to represent King Catol and Queen Unin with Maalik. Her husband.

She glanced toward Maalik's direction, and her gaze hardened when she noticed a whisper of a smile, his dark eyes glinting with devious ideas. What kind of miserable situation has she been brought into?

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