Chapter 14 - the argument

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Clarke had ran off. She couldn't believe Bellamy, She couldn't believe her own people. Not even Roan. Roan knew the consequences when he let Clarke escape polis. Clarke didn't realize the consequences at the time, if she did she would've stayed with Roan to make sure he wouldn't get himself in trouble.

But Clarke didn't focus on that she needed to focus on getting to polis in time. Clarke had snuck around and took a rover back to polis. It would spare her the walk back and hopefully get her there in time to make sure Roan would be alright. Her mind was focused on him right now. But why? She asked herself. Why dose she care so much about Roan. The one man that had cared about himself more then anyone or anything! Well not to her.

To Clarke he wasn't selfish. He was caring, kind hearted. he was probably the guy who went through more then her by the looks in his eyes. That pain that was hidden behind them. Even though he tried to act like it wasn't there. It had been 2 hours by now. usually it would take 4 on foot back to polis but the rover was pretty fast. Then Clarke had reached the gate of polis

it reminded her of when she first came back to polis to see Roan. She still didn't really know why she had followed him back to polis back then but that wasn't on her mind right now. She had parked the rover by the side of the wall as she entered through the gate. Clarke had ran past the grounders by the gate and headed straight toward the tower. Clarke knew that Roan would be there.

As she entered the tower she went straight to Lexas throne room. Clarke had pushed open the tall glass doors aggressively.
"Where is he!" Clarke yelled walking toward Lexa.

Lexa looked at Clarke shocked and confused.
"Clarke" Lexa said surprised.
"Don't change the subject Lexa Where is he! Tell me!" Clarke said with anger pounding in her chest.
"What are you talking about" Lexa said walking closer toward Clarke. giving costia a stare.

"Don't play games with me" Clarke mumbled walking toward Lexa as Clarke pined her toward the wall with a knife against her throat.
"WHERE IS ROAN! TELL ME!" Clarke yelled at Lexa.
costia tried to help Lexa but Titus held costia back making sure she didn't get hurt.

"Clarke" a voice said quietly behind her.
Clarke turned around to see Roan. He was perfectly fine. He didn't look harmed at all. He looked as if he didn't get punished for sneaking Clarke out of polis. Clarke was confused but at the same time she was relieved.

"Roan" Clarke said as she dropped her knife and ran to Roan pulling him in to her grip.
"Your ok" Clarke said softly.
Roan had put his arm around her upper back. While Pulling her in closer.
"What was the meaning of this" Titus said not amused while looking at Roan and Clarke.

Clarke had pulled away from Roan looking back at Titus.
"Let us have the hall" Roan said waiting for Lexa's permission.
Lexa nodded her head letting Them talk in private.
Roan grabbed Clarke's hand walking them out of the room.

"Why are you here Clarke" Roan said serious while making eye contact.
"I came to see if you were alive" Clarke said with an straight face.
"I know now that you risked your life when you snuck me out of polis" Clarke said with an angry tone.

"You weren't supposed to worry about me you were supposed to focus on your people" Roan whispered loudly.
"How am I not going to worry Roan. Your my friend" Clarke yelled.
"The plan was for you to focus on saving your people not me! I can handle myself" Roan said more angry with Clarke.

"What if something happened to you while I was in Arcadia. What if you had gotten killed because I wasn't here to protect you" Clarke said upset with Roan.
"That's the thing Clarke. I don't need you to protect me! I'm a king. Lexa couldn't kill me if she tried" Roan said annoyed with Clarke.

"What about when you fought Lexa in a Mortal Kombat you could've died out there if I wasn't Friends with Lexa" Clarke said trying to make her point.
"That was a different time Clarke. I didn't have a choice when I fought her" Roan said breaking eye contact.

"Your right you didn't have a choice. But you had one to either risk your life to save me or to use your brain and do something not so stupid for once in your damn life" Clarke said in a disappointed tone.

Roan looked up at Clarke disgusted. He was already insecure about his decisions and this just made his blood boil along with his insecurities that haunted Roan.

"So What your saying is that I could either be a king or be a coward" Roan said stepping closer to Clarke.
"That's not what I said" Clarke said with regret. She already knew that what she said bothered him.

"No but that's what you meant Clarke! you don't even know me or who I am. And the sad thing about it is that I thought you understood me and my problem's but no you just wanted to use me didn't you" Roan said holding back his emotions.

"No I wouldn't do that to you Roan!" Clarke said grabbing his hand.
"DONT LIE TO ME CLARKE!" Roan yelled as he pulled his hand away from hers.
"Im not! I swear on my life your my friend. your one of the bestest I've ever had Roan!" Clarke said tears forming in her eyes.
"Don't lie to me Clarke. I can't do this with you right now" Roan scaffold.

"Roan please. I need you" Clarke said hesitant.
Roan looked at Clarke. No words would come out. What was he supposed to say. Nobody ever needed him like she did. But what he didn't realize is that He needed Clarke too. He was to hesitate to reply. Roan had gave her one final look before he walked away. Did he over react? Was he in the wrong? Roan needed time to process this emotional argument.

I need you. I want you. I hate you. I love you.

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