Chapter twenty-three

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Charles's pov:

August 2021

"Olivia!!" I screamed as another cas had driven directly into her side of the car. "No, no no please answer me Olivia!" I kept saying whilst tears were rolling down my cheeks. She was unresponsive and her head was leaning against the window which was half broken.

I took my phone and immediately called 112 which is the emergency number here.

The man on the phone started to talk, I didn't understand a word since he spoke Dutch. "I don't speak Dutch. But we were in a car accident, and my- my girlfriend is unresponsive" I tried to say with my voice cracking and tears in my eyes. I kept looking at Olivia the whole time, she kept being unresponsive.

"I need your location!" He said and I tried to find out where we were, it was very difficult since I didn't know anything around here, but I managed to find a street name. "Sir the fire department and paramedics are on the way. In the meantime, tell me if your girlfriend is breathing?" He said trying to help through the phone.

I took my fingers and placed them on her throat, I felt her breathing which made me relieved. "She is... she's breathing" I said, still crying. This is not happening..

"That's a good sign, keep your eyes on her until the paramedics arrive! Are you hurt?" He asked..

"I'm a bit sore but nothing serious" I touched my head and felt something wet, I looked at my fingers and saw they were red. "I think I'm bleeding somewhere though,"I said. "Can you locate the bleeding?" He asked, I couldn't locate it.. and I didn't really care to be honest, all I wanted was for Olivia to be fine..

The man on the phone was very kind, and stayed with me until they arrived.. a couple ambulances arrived and a fire truck. I opened the car door and jumped out.. "she's in here, my girlfriend isn't responsive" I yelled and the two female paramedics ran towards our car. "We got her, go to these guys and get yourself checked" one of the girls said. I did what they told me to, whilst they jumped into the car to check on Olivia. And some of the others went to check on the driver who hit us.

"I'm just gonna put some bandage on here, and then you'll be fine. But you have to get checked out at the hospital just to be sure, alright?" The paramedic said, my focus was still on the car where Olivia was in. "Sir, do you hear me?" he said again. "Yes, sorry. Can I drive in the other ambulance with my girlfriend?" I asked, he nodded. I was standing here next to the ambulance watching everything happening, the man who hit us was out of the car and on the way to the hospital. Firefighters were pulling away his car so they could access Olivia's side of our car, which was blocked by the other car.

After some very long minutes she was out, and laid on a gurney. She looked terrible, she was bleeding heavily from her stomach and had many bruises, she was still unresponsive.. The sight of her lying there made me tear up again, this was so hard. I couldn't bear to lose another important person in my life, not again. Not after all the loss I had the last years..

The drive to the hospital was fast, the ambulance drove as fast as it could but at the same time the few minutes it took felt like hours. I was looking at Olivia the entire time whilst holding her hand, praying for her to be fine. One of the sweet paramedics kept comforting me by telling me that her vitals were fine, it helped a bit. But at the same time, I only imagined the worst happening.

She was immediately taken to a room when we got there, and I was placed in the waiting room all alone. "She's in good hands now, take care alright" one of the paramedics said to me as they returned from delivering her to the doctors. "Thank you so much for your help" I said and smiled a bit, they were so good. "Of course!" the other one said, and then they left and drove away. Once again I was here alone, waiting for the doctors to give me updates.

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