chapter 25

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Harry's POV

Anastasia's short arms are currently draped over my waist. It was quite weird being the little spoon, but I liked it. Quietly, I turn my face towards hers and see an amusing sight. Her mouth is barely open, long strands of brown hair are cascaded around my white pillow, and soft snores pour out. I check the clock to see it is 8 o'clock. Work doesn't start for me till 10; well, technically it starts whenever the hèll I want it to start. I place my hand into her soft hair and push away the small strands from her face. Gently, I move my thumb down her cheek bone and to her soft, pink lips. Brushing my thumb across her nose, I kiss the top of her forehead and step out of the bed, trying to not make a sound.

I feel my cell phone buzz from the side table. Tip toeing out of the room with my phone, I make it to the hall and press 'answer.'


"Excuse me, I am your mother. You will not speak to me in that tone."

I huff, "Mum, I didn't check the ID. Anastasia is asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the room."

"Ana's there?"

"Yes, she's here."

"Is she is your bed?"

"Mum, stop."

"Are you two having séx, Harry?"

I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. I press the coffee machine to get going and respond to my mum.

"That is none of your business."

"So you are. You're using protection right?" I groan.

"Please stop asking. It doesn't matter. She spent the night it's no big deal."

"Are you going to ask her to move in?"

"I don't know, mum. What is up with all these questions?"

She giggles into the phone, "Honey, I'm just so excited for you. You're in love. As a mother, I am so proud!"

"Okay well, be less proud."

"Stop it, you. How's work?"

"Busy, as always. Since the Davis merger is almost done, I won't be able to see Anastasia at work." I mumble. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I hear my mother whisper on the other side to who I presume is Robin.

"Well, like I said earlier. What about moving in together?"

"It seems too soon. I mean. I dropped the 'I love you' bomb and she still hasn't said it back. I don't want to pressure her."

"Maybe by asking her to move in, it shows her that you really do love her. And don't give her a hard time on that. The way you told her was horrid and I still can not believe you didn't file those papers."

"Yeah, yeah I know."

"I'm still surprised she didn't drop you on your bum, little boy."

"Me too." I grin at her words and turn on the tele.

"I really think you should ask her to move in, babe."

I sigh, "I don't know. I don't think she's ready."

"You've been together for how long Harry?"

I bite my lip and think quietly to myself. I should know this.

"Well together, as in girlfriend and boyfriend or like together as in..."

"Sleeping together? Wait a second Harold, you had sèx with her before you asked her out? I raised you better than this. Anyways, since you asked her to be your girlfriend."

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