chapter 34

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Two Months Later-

Anastasia's POV:

"Fuck, this feels so damn good." Harry groans, readjusting himself as he wipes the very thin layer of sweat off of his forehead.

"Maybe for you, but this hurts my áss Styles." Louis mumbles, biting his bottom lip and letting out a huff.

Layla giggles softly, "I'm actually quite comfortable."

"Shut up Layla." We say unison.

"My back is killing me." I say, glancing over at her.

"Just hurry the fück up." Harry whines, continuing to pout.

"I'm actually quiet happy with this position even though my bum hurts. How are you feeling Miss. Carter?" Louis grins, giving me a wink.

"I'm doing okay Mr. Tomlinson, although it would bee lovely if you told your girlfriend to hurry up." I giggle softly, hearing Harry let out a scoff.

"Yeah, she's right. Baby, hurry up." Louis calls over his shoulder, and then smirks back at Harry.

"Okay!" Layla says as she sits cross cross apple sauce, "Left hand red."

We all let out groans as we make our moves.

"My left hand is already on the bloody red one." Harry complains, giving me a slight pout.

"Sorry babe, but this isn't making my life any easier either." I say, moving my left hand to the one free red spot.

"This game sucks." Louis mutters, already made his move as he seemed to have somewhat of a better position.

"Okay you two need to shut up right now. Ana's doing this in a freaking skirt so take your stupid dresses off and end your pouting tea party. Right foot blue!" Layla says, grabbing the water next to her and taking a sip.

"Yes!" Harry cheers, moving his leg to blue. "Alright, Twister King is back in the game."

"Good for you. Let me just-" Louis trails off, searching for a way to make his move, I had already made mine.

"Twister King?" I ask, cocking my eyebrow.

"Don't judge." He smirks, letting out a breath.

"I'll judge you as much as I want." I bite back.

"Oh, feisty. I got it!" Louis cheers, finally getting his foot on the proper dot.

"Her middle name is feisty.
You get used to it." Harry mumbles, smirking over to me.

"Same." Layla says, spinning the spinner once again.

"Hey! You promised not to start without us." Liam says, opening the door and stepping inside, Sophia behind him.

"Yeah! And why are your shirts off?" She asks, setting the pizza down on the table and taking a seat next to Layla.

"It's fücking hot in here that's why." Louis mumbles, "And thanks for bringing the food."

"Anytime. It looks like Harry's winning." Liam comments, sitting on one of the side chairs.

"I always win." Harry replies cockily, "Now tell me where to move next."

"Ugh right hand yellow." She states, grabbing the pizza box and taking out a slice, Sophia following behind.

"Baby, could you feed me a bite?" Louis asks, opening his mouth widely.

Layla nods, sitting up and holding it out for him. After taking a bite, she sits back down and spins again.

"I gotta piss." Louis mumbles with his mouth full of food.

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