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 It didn't take you long to catch up to the Falcon in your X-Wing. When you did though, there was a star destroyer looming near.

"Y/N," Leia called over the headset, "can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Leia," you responded. "Do you have Luke?"

"We have him."

"We need to get away from this star destroyer and meet up with the rest of the rebellion."

"All the coordinates are set. It's now or never."

You heard Chewie bark in agreement over the comms. You were readying your own ship to get light speed, but you weren't going to until you knew the Falcon was clear.

"Punch it!" Lando ordered.

You could hear the engine sputter before Chewie let out a frustrated howl.

"They told me they fixed it!" Lando defended. "I trusted them to fix it. It's not my fault!"

"No time to argue," you said, noticing the TIE fights incoming. "I'm going to take out the fighters, you guys get the Falcon moving."

You pulled up and flipped your ship around before firing at the TIE fighters. You maneuvered like Anakin had once taught you, to avoid being hit while successfully hitting the TIE fighters.

"It's Vader," you heard Luke's pained voice on the other end.

"Luke, you need to be resting," you said, continuing to fire at the fighters.

"Y/N, why didn't you and Ben tell me?"

"Right now isn't the time. I'm sorry, Luke, I really am. But this conversation needs to be something that happens face to face."

Suddenly, you saw the Millennium Falcon shoot into hyperspace. You quickly followed after it.


"Han was taken by a bounty hunter named Boba Fett," Lando explained. You and him were in the Falcon as he readied it again to go after Han.

"Boba Fett?" You repeated. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. It is familiar?"

"His father was the one who provided the DNA for the clones used in the Clone Wars. He's held a grudge for what happened to his father. Where would he be taking him?"

"To Jabba the Hutt."

"Then it should be easy to retrieve Han. Jabba's on Tatooine."

"That's where he is usually, but he's been moving around occasionally to try and avoid run-in's with the Empire. Even on Tatooine, he has more than one place to hide."

"Kriff... We've got to pinpoint the best place to retrieve Han."

"We will. That's why I'm taking a crew and going to figure it out." He reached over and placed a caring hand on your shoulder. "We will find him."

"Let me know as soon as you figure out something."

Your comm buzzed before a man's voice came over it. "General L/N, Commander Skywalker is asking for you in the medical center."

You sighed, taking the comm from your belt and putting it up to your mouth. "I'm on my way up." You put the comm away. "May the Force be with you, Lando."

The two of you gave each other a nod before you turned and left, heading out of the Falcon and to the medical center. You were slightly nervous. You knew that this conversation was needed, you just didn't want it to happen like this. When you arrived, Luke was laying on a medical bed being taken care of by a medical droid. He had a new hand that was mechanical—just like his father.

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