seventy six

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The celebrations lasted well over a week. The Rebels decided to stay on Endor for a while, wanting to come up with a plan to start to pick up the pieces of the broken Republic. After the celebrations died down, you asked Luke and Leia to come away with you for a day. You didn't take them too far away from the Ewoks' home base. It was hard to slip away as Leia and you were being asked to attend meetings to help form the New Republic.

Once the three of you were able to get away to somewhere private, you told them the truth about the family's past.

How you and Anakin were found on Tatooine and brought to the Jedi Temple, only to be separated.

How you were trained by the Jedi Council themselves while Obi-Wan trained Anakin.

You told them about the prophecy regarding the Chosen One and how you and Anakin were believed to be it.

You told them of you reuniting with Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme, just before the Clone Wars began.

You told them of what you believed they needed to know of the Clone Wars, avoiding the areas that were still hard for you to speak about.

The end of the Clone Wars was where you got emotional and had to take a brief break alone before telling them out the Empire officially came to be.

You could feel and see the mixture of emotions the two were feeling as you told them the story—their story. It took a majority of the day to explain everything that you were willing and allow them to ask you questions. Leia was the one you could tell was struggling with this the most.

The trauma that Leia had endured at the hand of her own father clearly was making her hurt in anger and heartbreak. You wished that you could take away her pain, but you knew that she needed to work through it in her own time and way.

"Any other questions for me?" You asked, carefully eyeing your niece and nephew.

"Yes, Aunt Y/N, I do have a question," Luke responded. You could tell he was nervous. His emotions were seeping out into the Force only to serve as a reminder to you that he was still young and not fully trained—despite everything.

"Yes, Luke? What is it?"

"I would like to restore the Jedi Order and I would like your help with it."

Your answer was sift and firm, almost making Luke flinch away. "No." You shook your head adamantly. "No. I will not help you restore the Order."

Luke was clearly confused. "But why not? You are the last known living member of the Order—"

"It doesn't matter. The Order is no longer needed."

"Peacekeepers are needed. The Jedi are needed. Especially as we work to restore the Republic. It can be a reminder as to the days of old."

"If that is your reasoning, then I will forsake never help you with that."

"I don't understand."

"You're right, you don't. And there is no possible way you would ever."

"Y/N, you have to admit there needs to be a place to train Force-sensitive beings again. There needs to be a place—a reminder—that they no longer need to live in fear."

"Yes, they need to be trained but restoring the Order is not the way."

"What was so bad about the Jedi Order? You just told us your story, did you not? What are you not telling us? What happened that you could possibly hate it so much?"

Flashes of moments you had in the Order flitted through your mind. The separation of you and Anakin. Your separation from the rest of the Order so that the Council could carefully train you themselves. Obi-Wan telling you that the Council saw you as the Chosen One. The Rako Hardeen incident. Your choice to have children being taken away.

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