Chapter 57

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Rodney exchanged numbers with both of us, so I was confused.

Did he like either of us or was he simply being nice and meeting new friends? I needed to meet new friends so I was just going to be nice as well. I decided I definitely had no interest in him.

This was the new me.

The old me would have seen a hot guy and gone all giddy over him. I would think about him twenty-for-seven, imagine his last name as mine, and get shy and bashful around him. None of that over Rodney. He was just a cool guy that would stay in the friend zone.

"If he is such a friend, invite him over to hang out with us," Gay said after I told her about Rodney. "I need to meet hot guys."

"Invite a strange guy to our room? No way!"

"How strange is he if you met him and talked with him all night?"

I shrugged. That was not the point. I was not inviting guys up to our suite just because.

"Well invite that other guy you like over. I mean...that you are just friends with."

I furrowed my brows at her. "You mean King?"

"I mean whoever you think is your friend and you want to hang out with. I'll invite some peeps and we can have a real party here."

"A party?"

"Yes! So cool. I'll buy all the refreshments and...other delectables. You invite everyone you know and I will invite a few peeps I know. Then we all can be one big happy family."

Sure, why not. I already was feeling better about this semester versus last. I invited Bria of course, and then Chandler. And Rodney because why not. Then I texted King to see if he wanted to hang out and of course he was down.

That was all that I knew. I thought about Todd, then thought no. I would not consider what we had as a friendship. Besides, if he was still harboring feelings for me that I would not reciprocate, I did not want to mislead him.

Gay invited two girls and two guys. The girls were previous girls from her old dorm, the only other people she hung out with besides me and my ex-roommates. One of the guys she said was gay and had no interest in her and they were just friends. The other guy, Felix, was a guy she said she was interested in.

They had snacks, and several kinds of drinks, and Gay made marijuana brownies.

Ask me how she did that and we had no kitchen.

"Like the new crib," King said when he walked in.

"Me too. I feel better here. Gay and I get along better. I mean, we are so different, but it works. We give each other space but we also hang out a lot too so we have that." Why was I rambling and sounding like an idiot? "Want something to eat? Something to drink?"

"No, I'm cool for now." King looked around. The others were hanging around watching YouTube videos and enjoying themselves.

Bria decided to make her move on Rodney and he seemed into her as well. They were hanging out away from the others, talking and enjoying themselves. Gay took Felix off to her room, but the door was still open so hopefully, she was not getting into much trouble.

"I'm going to get a drink." I walked into the kitchenette, opened the refrigerator, and grabbed a juice bottle. I looked to King. "You sure you don't want anything?"

"I'll take water if you have it."

"Of course."

I grabbed a water bottle for him and handed it off. I looked around and there was no spot for us to hang out. I did not want to watch dumb YouTube videos.

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