Chapter 23

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Hello again

Here is the next update.

There might be grammatical mistakes. So please ignore it and enjoy the chapter. I will edit it later on.


Advika Laghari

After they took Praneel for the investigation I wasn't able to concentrate on the work because somehow I know that I am the reason they captured him. I made him do the things that he did all this time. 

I became selfish enough to push him into that state now. 

"Stop" commented Kashvi while getting near to me when I looked at her questioningly, she continued "I know exactly what you're thinking about." She said looking into my eyes seriously. 

"It's not your fault. We wanted to help you and it's our choice. Not because of you" She explained as a matter of fact. 

"But still it doesn't change the fact that he got captured because of me" I said while getting tensed for Praneel.

"If it helps you, then you should know that Praneel won't give any information" She said while coming in front of me. 

"I never said anything about that. I know that he won't tell them anything." I said getting irritated because of her thought process. 

"Sorry. Just thought that…. Never mind. Do you need anything?" She asked, changing the subject and taking the files that I have completed verifying before. 

"Nothing. I am going out for a while. Let me know if anything is urgent" I informed her before taking my purse and leaving the room. 

"Sure. Take care" she said when I shut the door to my room. 

I entered the elevator and pressed the button to the ground floor while thinking about my stupid plan. 

I know that what I am going to do is very idiotic but I cannot sit here knowing that my friend is getting interrogated because of me. 

Before I changed my mind and backout, I started my car and drove towards Hredhaan's office to meet him personally and find out about Praneel.

I know that this might make his ego increase even more but I don't have any other choice but to deal with his ass personality. 

After half an hour, I reached his office and his secretary asked me to wait before informing him about my arrival. At that time I panicked and thought of fleeing away to my safe heaven but I had to face this at any cost to know about my friend. So I took a deep breath when she asked me to get inside. 

He was working on something when I entered his office. It looks like he is busy with his office work but still agreed to meet me on such short notice. 

He greeted me with a somewhat sarcastic and surprised expression that I chuckled nervously not knowing what to say but immediately composed myself remembering my situation. 

I should not show any weakness here. Get a grip on yourself Advika. He is not your friend now, he is the investigation officer who took your friend for interrogation. I pep talked myself before asking him straight about Praneel. 

But the way he looked at me said that he was pissed because of my question but still expected that question from my side. 

He pressed on to 'close friend' like it meant a double meaning which irritated me the most. 

How dare he come to such assumptions about both of us like that without knowing anything. 

I demanded him to not say a word about us like that when he came near to me that my breath hitched because of his closeness. 

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