Chapter 25

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Hello everyone,

Here is your awaiting chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

There might be some grammatical mistakes. So kindly ignore it and enjoy the chapter.



Hredhaan Grover

All my thoughts were occupied by only one person. And it's not at all helping that this case is related to orphans.

I used to wonder all those years ago why these kids were so important to her but never had the courage to ask her. Even now I hold the same questions but still no answers again.

It doesn't look like she just helps them because they are orphans. No. It looks like they are everything for her when she has her dad who loves her alot.

I don't have answers to it but I know that she loves them. She used to visit them all the time. But what happened to make her not visit them is still a mystery. She makes Praneel do her things related to them. And I want to know why?

Again I am getting distracted by her thoughts. It's a good thing that I choose to be seated in the backseat and let Mag drive the bike. Because I am not sure if I will be able to concentrate on the road. Also, I need to clear my head before we reach there.

I need to talk to her at any cost. I can't act like nothing is there between us and leave the past in the past. That's not me and I won't let her leave me this time without a fight.

Tomorrow morning I am going to visit her and clear all this up. I want my best friend back. Call me an idiot but when it comes to Advika I am an idiot. That's how she makes me feel. She holds an important place in my heart and that will never change. I have realized it now.

She was, is and will always be my best friend. Nothing can change that fact.

I was deep in my thoughts when the bike halted suddenly. I cleared the invisible fog in front of me to clear my thoughts and surroundings. It looks like we have reached our destination.

"We need to search the area quietly but quickly. I have a feeling that we reached late." Stated Mag making me nod my head in agreement.

"Even I have the same feeling. Let's see" I said and walked away from him in search of the kids and gang. Mag too left in the opposite direction to search the area.

It was so deserted and quiet that we could hear our own breathing and the rustling of trees. After a few minutes, I came face to face in front of the clearing. There I saw one gang arguing among themselves. I can't hear much from here except the words like missed, your fault.

I tried to hear more by getting close but forgot about the dried up branches below me. It made a cracking sound with my step that they immediately got alerted and looked at their surroundings.

Thank God that I stayed behind the tree without breathing for what felt like an hour.

They quickly scanned the area and left the place without getting noticed by anyone.

I tried to look for the number plate but there wasn't one.

'What the hell...' I thought, getting irritated.

"There is no one Hred. I checked the whole area" Mag said, coming towards me while panting.

"I know. One gang just left after I accidentally stepped on the branch making them alert." I said with a little frustrated tone of mine.

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