Chapter 24

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Hello everyone,

Here is your update.

There might be grammatical mistakes, so kindly ignore and enjoy the chapter.


Hredhaan Grover

All morning I was restless and anxious to know the location of the kidnappings. Because if we let those bastards succeed in kidnapping those innocent girls then I won't be able to forgive myself. 

Hell, Vika won't forgive me at any cost if she gets to know the truth. She holds those orphan children close to her heart. They are everything to her. 

I don't think that without visiting them or helping them at any cost or situation, she won't sleep peacefully at night. 

God... again I am thinking of her and forgetting the case. 

Just concentrate Hred. Don't get distracted today at any cost. It will cost their lives. 

I was in a daze when I woke up and did my chores today. I didn't even spend much time with Anu or my Princess. 

Anu dropped Idika to school today because I came to the station early. I want to  make sure that we are on track and at any cost save those girls.

God knows what they are doing to those girls. I don't even want to imagine it.

Ravi, Avinash and Priya are working continuously by tracking every call recording, looking at CCTV cameras and even traffic cameras to find out any clue or location of the kidnappings. But until now they didn't succeed. 

It's like they vanished from the earth all of a sudden. Or they are very good at covering their tracks. I even feel like they know exactly what our next step would be. 

I don't know why but I have this gut feeling like someone is watching our every step from the start and knows what our next move would be. I just need to find out how. 

I was in deep thought when Falan came inside and took a seat in his place. 

"Hey man" he greeted by getting comfortable in his chair. "Any luck?" He asked, referring to our search. 

I nodded my head in denial to let him know that we got nothing. 

Mag is in his own room doing research from his side because he too can't stay still and wait for our team to know something. 

I really hope that he finds something. 

"Mag is in his room. Let's hope he gets his hands on something. I am counting on him as of now." I said with a distracted look on my face.

Because I am in deep thought. I want to know the reason why they are kidnapping them in the first place. 

"What are you thinking?" asked Falan by taking a seat in front of me. 

"Huh.. Ya. Sorry." I said coming back to present and looked at him before deciding to say about what is running in my mind. 

"I want to know the reason behind these kidnappings" I said looking at him with a serious expression.

"Maybe they are using them for prostitution since they are targetting girls" he said with his own distracted face because of my statement. 

I shook my head with disagreement. 

"Don't you think it's too easy of an answer? I don't think that they are using them for that, since the age group is not above 16." I said, but at the same time realizing it myself. 

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