Chapter 5

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Hey my dear readers,

Here is your awaiting chapter. I really hope that you like it.

This chapter is not edited, so there will be grammatical mistakes. Please ignore it and enjoy the chapter.


Hredhaan Grover

8 Years Before:

"One day… You make a note of it that one day I will kill him myself with my own bare hands" Said Advika by slamming her hands on the table with a frustrated look on her face that I looked at her in Amusement knowing that it was again about her chemistry lecturer who always finds a way to get under her skin because he got the hots for her. 

"Ok…." Dragged Manu with a look of confusion on her face. 

"Ok? No it's not ok. Until yesterday he only used to make comments here and there which was fine with me. But today he crossed the line by trying to touch me" She glared at no one in particular while saying those words with anger that I immediately sobered up and got up from my seat in an instant by listening to her words. 

"Vika… Tell me that he didn't succeed in it, otherwise I swear to God that he will have a bruised nose and eye by the next class" I said with a clenched fist while looking at her to get the confirmation. My blood is boiling by just listening to her words that he tried to touch her inappropriately. 

"Hred.. Relax. It's Advi we are talking about and we all know that she can handle men very well" Said Mag, trying to make me cool but I wasn't going to get cooled down until I got the confirmation from Vika. I just glanced at her with a pissed off look on my face which I am trying to control because of her.

"Don't worry Chotu. I have handled it for now. But if he tries again, I promise that I won't sit back and let him walk over me" Stated Advika while giving me an assuring smile of hers and taking a seat beside my chair by pulling my shirt to take my seat. 

This made me relax a little bit and unclench my fists before taking a seat of mine. 

"Promise me that you will tell me if anything like this happens next time" I asked with a pleading tone by turning towards her and looking at her intently with a serious expression. I can’t bear to see her getting hurt by someone.

"Ok Mother. I promise you" She said with a teasing tone to her voice but i can hear the gratefulness which she is trying to cover with her teasing. I groaned after listening to her words because she knows how much I dislike her calling me that.. 

"Don't call me that" I grumbled like a little kid before biting into my pizza. 

"Sure mother" she again mocked with an innocent face that I glared at her in return to which she surrendered. 

"Ok ok. Sorry" she said ruffling my hair that I instantly got away from her hand in frustration. 

"Don't do that either" I said, indicating to her hand and my hair. 

"What? I always do it" She stated as if it was the most common thing in the world. 

God… why does she always treat me as if I am the little one when I am just one year younger than her. 

Ok maybe I am younger one. But it's just one year...

From the corner of my eyes I saw Mag smirking at me that I gave my best glare for him to stop it. He knows very well about my feelings towards her and even about how she feels for me. So he always teases me with it.

Advika relaxed after that and continued chatting with our friends while I stole glances in her direction whenever I can get. I was listening to every single word she spoke but nothing was passing from my ears to my brain because all I can see is the heart stopping smile on her beautiful face which always makes me go crazy about her.

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