Chapter 17

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Hey my cupcakes,

As i promised, here is your update. I really hope that you guys like it.

This chapter is not edited. So there will be grammatical mistakes. Kindly ignore them and enjoy the chapter.


Advika Laghari

I have parked the car in a rush by throwing the keys to the Watchman to place it in a parking lot before entering inside the office with a stormy look on my face.

I am so pissed off right now that if anyone tried to mess with me then they really would have signed their death wish.

The moment I entered inside, I saw that the two guards were stopping one man where he was arguing with them rather harshly while my guards were trying to be polite.

Well not any man but the friend of Hredhaan. Or should I say one of the officers among them. I scoffed internally at the word officer.

I glanced in the direction of the both men who stood stiffly like a rod as if nothing matters to them. Then I quickly turned my attention to the receptionist to whom I clearly mentioned to manage the situation but failed miserably by the look of it.

She immediately started whimpering when she registered my angry face directed at her.

"I thought I told you to handle the situation here" I stated rather harshly that her whole body is shaking from fear. If she really fears me that much then she should have done her job right in the first place.

She was trying to explain something to me while shuttering for every word that I got irritated.

"Leave it" I said slamming the desk that she flinched back in fear but stopped blabbering in an instant.

Good. I don't think I am ready to listen to her nonsense now.

I directed my glance in their direction who was already watching me intently but said nothing in return.

I walked in their direction and stood before them and asked in a cold tone of mine.

"May I know what's the commotion here?" I asked looking in between both of them to explain the matter even though I know everything.

"Well Ms. Laghari, as you already know that we are from the investigation team and are waiting for the arrival of Praneel, why don't you please do the honors and call him down normally so that we can stop this commotion here" said Hredhaan with the same tone as I used before to ask him.

This pissed me off even more that I gritted my teeth but controlled myself by fisting my hand not to show it on my face. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing my reaction to his comments. He clearly knows that I know everything. So I don't think acting works out anyway.

'Straight then it is.' I thought to myself while glancing around us.

It's better if we discuss this in my cabin rather than the reception area where everyone was watching the scene like a movie.

"Leave. Now" I ordered it in the most demanding voice that everyone started going back but still some of them were lingering.

"Everyone get on to your work now. I don't want anyone lingering here for another second or consider yourself fired" I said again with a stoned voice that the rest of them also flew away within a second without gazing back.

I am aware of their eyes on me but I prefer to ignore them rather than acknowledging it.

"Can we discuss this in my office? I don't want to create a scene here" I asked with a professional voice of mine that he nodded his head in agreement. I was stunned for a moment that he instantly agreed to it but chose to ignore it and gave a curt nod.

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