Chapter 7

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Hey my dear readers,

Here is your chapter. I hope that you like it.

This chapter is not edited. So there will be grammatical mistakes. Kindly ignore them and enjoy the chapter.


Hredhaan Grover

When we got to the location, there was no one in that street. It looked much like a deserted street where any crime could have been easily done without anyone noticing it. That is the sole reason for the kidnappers to choose this place for their crimes. 

There were only three unused buildings which looked mostly damaged on the outer side with dust and rust on it. 

But other than that there were only trees everywhere with a road in the middle. 

"Hred, is this the right place? Because I can see no one here." Asked one of my teammates from the backseat. 

If only I know the exact answer to that question. 

"Yes. This is the place according to the information given by the senior." I said, scanning every corner and also trying to listen for any kind of sound. 

"But I don't think this is the right place….." He started again but I cut his sentence in the middle when I heard some noise. 

"Shhh… Did you listen to that sound?" I asked while getting down from the car slowly by glancing here and there. I can hear some noises at the end of the street where it might be a dead end or only trees because I cannot see any road extending to that side. 

Hmmm… Interesting. What a nice place to have a crime scene or some illegal activities. I thought with a hint of humor while smirking to myself. 

Senior ordered us to stay low for today and watch the scene without intervining  in between to know the depth of the situation and even the seriousness of the case. I have to agree with him on that to some extent because we need to analyse the situation before we jump in with a blindfold. But that doesn't mean that we cannot do some other things like rescuing someone if needed or any kind of distractions. 

"Looks like this is going to be a long night for us. Common guys." I said slowly walking in the direction of the sound without making any noise while they were following me behind by being careful and holding the guns in their hands. 

Once we reached the place, we divided into two groups and hid behind the two old buildings to get a clear view of the situation without getting noticed by them. 

From here I can see that there is a clearing at the back of both the buildings where two gangs were fighting with each other and one person from each group was just standing there not fighting but just observing the scene. 

I can even see the car at one side of the gang parked at some distance where the person stood beside it by folding his hands.

This is even more interesting in person than I thought.  

I cannot identify any of their faces because of their masks and dresses. One gang wore total black from head to toe by covering their faces and the other wore light blue and green colour dress with a similar mask to them. It looks like they planned to not get discovered by the attire of their dress and masks. So it became difficult for us to identify which gang is the good one and which is the bad one here. 

And by the looks of fighting we cannot say who the kidnappers are. We can hear some voices talking but it's not clear from this far. Only their shoutings and grunts can be heard clearly. 

The Hidden Gameजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें