Chapter 27

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Hey my dear readers,

Here is your update as promised.

There might be some grammatical mistakes due to overwriting. So please ignore it and enjoy the chapter. I will edit it later on.



Advika Laghari 

I opened the door with my keys and got inside silently before taking some water bottles from the fridge and handing it over to them who quietly came inside and sprawled in the living room like tired pigs who went on run. 

"Here" I said by handing the bottles to everyone before taking a sip from mine. 

I took the single chair that is available in the room and made myself comfortable. God I am so tired.

"So, what exactly happened, Advika?" Asked Praneel by placing the bottle on the table. His question made everyone's attention divert to us. I can see the questioning faces who are looking for the answers. 

I sighed deeply before composing myself to explain. 

"I actually followed you guys there because I couldn't sit still at home not knowing what was happening there" I admitted with a blank face while looking at their expressions. 

"What? Why? How many times...? Kashvi started but I cut her off in the middle. 

"Don't expect me to do nothing Kashvi. You know how much this means to me. Also, if not for me then all of you would have been there in that van at the moment." I said with a defensive voice of mine with a hint of riding anger, which also somewhat came in a commanding tone. I won't let others dictate how I am going to respond or act according to the situation. I know what I am doing. 

"Yes we know that very well. Thank you." Stated Kashvi with a disappointing tone that I flinched a little. I can feel her heated gaze on me but I ignored it by looking at others because if I look at her then I will definitely feel guilty and I don't want that. Yes, call me an idiot but for now I don't need any emotions.  

"Look, I don't think that I have to explain myself but since this operation is mine and you guys volunteered I will do it." I said by looking at their faces who all are looking for some explanation for my actions. 

"I was getting restless and just wanted to watch from afar to see what's going on. But after coming there, something felt wrong. Not something but everything felt wrong actually. It was nagging at the back of my brain like an itch. So I got out of the car to find you guys because you were not lifting the call. I wanted to check if you guys were safe or not." I started explaining to them how it all went and how I got to know about the bomb. 

"Yes. We kept them silent" Stated Kalyan. I nodded my head. 

"I was near you guys when I stepped on a pin. At first I didn't recognise it but I saw Hred and Mag near you guys. So I backed out and called you by getting inside the car. But you guys still didn't respond. I was thinking why they planned this kidnapping very soon because it doesn't make any sense and suddenly like a click both connected like an invisible wire." I said by clicking my fingers to show them how it went. 

"This pin is used in bombs and that plan for kidnappings was a sketch to get us there and kill us." I told them by showing the pin. 

All of them were gazing intently at the pin as if to memorize or scan it clearly.  

"Oh my god." Suddenly Kashvi gasped, making all of us look at her.  

"How did they find out about us in the first place? They don't know who we were until now." She asked, looking at me with confusion in her eyes. 

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