Chapter 31

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Hello everyone,

Here is your awaiting chapter. Enjoy.

There might be some grammatical mistakes due to overwriting. Kindly ignore it and enjoy the chapter. I will edit it later when I get the time.



Hredhaan Grover

By the time we reached the jewelry store, it was almost mid afternoon. We both silently entered inside and asked for the head manager by showing our ID's for clarification.

That boy immediately went inside in search of their head manager after seeing our ID cards.

"Good to know that they still fear us." Stated Mag, looking at the collection they have.

"Hope your testosterone satisfied" I commented on his statement with a boring tone.

"Funny. Who was that bastard who smirked when that worker's eyes became big as saucers after seeing our cards." He asked with a face that looked as if he was in deep thought.


"Look around. These don't seem like unique designs. They are routine or atleast have many of them for each model." I told him by smoothly changing the topic. He gave a look that said 'i know what you are trying to do', but didn't prolong it any further.

"Yes. I thought the same. Maybe we will have to check other ones. But according to what we gathered, this is the only store that does the expensive shit with unique designs." Said Mag with furrowed eyebrows.

"Don't worry. I don't think we are at the wrong place. Only thing that is wrong here is the display in front of us." I told him about what I was suspecting of it from the moment my eyes landed on these collections.

"Oh yes, it might be possible. They might have safely hidden the expensive jewelry for some reserved guests. How did I not think of that before?" He asked himself by scratching his neck with his right hand.

"That's because you are very busy eye raping that girl who sat in the opposite side of seat to us." I informed with a sarcastic tone. Ofcourse him being himself always, he didn't take it seriously.

"Well, she does look good though." Was his statement while shrugging his shoulders.

"Hello Officers, I am William. How can I help you?" Asked some middle aged man coming out of the same closed door that boy went five minutes ago. He extended his hand for us to take.

"Hi. Pleasure to meet you Mr.William. I am Hredhaan and this is Magnus." I introduced us by shaking his hand in return.

Firm but strong. Hmm. Interesting. Let's see.

"Hello Sir." He welcomed by shaking Mag's hand. I can see that he is confused and curious about our sudden arrival.

"How can I help you?" He asked with a calm and pleasing tone. Everyone would think that he is being so respectful but his suspiciousness didn't go unnoticed behind his voice.

Now it's really suspicious for some reason.

"Well.. we need some information." I said by taking the ring from my pocket and placing it in front of us on the table.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes to see his reaction but there was nothing. It was all neutral. He is fucking good at hiding his expressions behind his mask. He was still looking at me to continue. So I did.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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