Chapter 10

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Hey all,

Here is your awaiting chapter. I hope that you guys like it. 

This chapter is not edited, so there will be grammatical mistakes. Kindly ignore it and enjoy the chapter.


Advika Laghari

"Don't become nervous now. Common" Whispered Kashvi from beside me while giving her best smile and walking inside the cabin as if she is not affected by anything.

Get a grip Advi. You need to act as if this is nothing and let them think that you changed a lot now.

Mustering all the courage I need at the moment by taking a deep breath and entering inside by looking ahead without looking at anyone but my chair behind the table.

From the corner of my eyes I saw that Magnus looked surprised due to my actions but there is no trace of shock in his eyes. Which confirms that he knew about this company and me before coming here. But I cannot say the same thing about Hred though. He looks as if he has seen a ghost in the daylight. His expression is hilarious but i controlled myself from doing anything stupid.

"Good morning. Sorry for the short notice about this meeting." I said with a professional voice while coming to stand in front of my chair and glancing at both of them. I again saw the surprised expression in Magus's eyes before covering it with a neutral expression of his.

"Not a problem." Said Magnus while using the same tone as I used before.

Good. He is quick to grasp the situation and act accordingly.

When he glanced at Hredhaan, he was not looking at us but something behind me. Or more probably the wall because he was lost in his thoughts I suppose.

I don't understand why he is reacting that way. If Magnus knows about me, then I think that he had informed it to his friend before coming here. Or did he not?

I furrowed my eyebrows a little before covering my expression to neutral when he came back to his senses again and blinked his eyes repeatedly to adjust the situation.

It was somewhat hilarious to watch him act like that because he never does this kind of act in front of anyone and especially if he is in his professional attire.

I so wanted to retrort him with some sassy comment but held my tongue from doing it.

He is looking at everyone to see what happened but not getting anything. And when his eyes landed on mine, I held my breath in anticipation of not knowing what to expect from his looks. It's like I was caught red handed while doing something illegal or fishy. I don't know why I am reacting the way I am doing right now as a teenager all over again.

From the moment I got to know that Hredhaan is visiting our office, I was kind of jumpy and restless all the time.

"Sorry, I was lost" He said with a straight face but I can clearly see the hint of apology in his voice.

I just nodded my head in agreement without uttering a word in return which definitely might trigger his emotions because I saw the hope in his eyes when his eyes landed on me.

This hope is not good for the both of us and especially me. So I acted like the cold hearted bitch I am busy crushing his small hope into pieces and making him hate me even more than before.

I know that I stuck a nerve and had broke his heart once again due to my lack of acknowledgement and reaction but I think this is best for the both of us even if it hurts me in return.

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