Chapter 3

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Hey my dear readers,

Here is your awaiting chapter. As promised I wrote it on time. I hope you enjoy it.

This chapter is not edited, so there will be grammatical mistakes. Please ignore it and enjoy the chapter.


Hredhaan Grover

"So what's the catch in this new case?" I asked, looking at my two mates who sat opposite to me in our office space. 

They both landed into my house an hour after we received the mail about the new case. But we were not interested in discussing the topic right away, so we took our sweet time by wasting it in the living room with video games. 

Even Anu and my brother joined in it and eventually it became the same usual betting game for hours. At last it was both me and my wife who won the bet as usual because our pair can't lose any video games. We are both so skilled like that. 

But when it is past four, we know that we have to discuss the case.

"Well, this information says that there are some kidnappings going on in the city every month." Falan said getting comfortable in his seat and stretching his long legs. "At first it used to be one or two kidnappings in a month, but now it was becoming more and more regular with at least six to seven members in a month" He completed looking at us with a smirk and that means there is more to the story. 

"You always like to beat around the bush and make it even more suspenseful right?" Asked Mag from beside him with a bored look on his face and acting as if he got used to his antics and actions. 

This made me chuckle knowing that he always likes to keep the thrill and suspense out of everything. 

"Well… what can I say? This case itself is interesting." He said rubbing his hands together as if anticipating with his excited eyes. 

"What is so interesting about this case? I didn't find it any interesting. It is just a normal kidnapping case" Falan said shrugging as if it's nothing more than a mere robbery case. 

I scoffed internally with a smirk knowing that he is again underestimating the depth of the case. He always forgets that what is shown is not always true and being in this field, we can't miss the smallest clues that many of them can't even observe. 

He might be the best fighter among most of the team members but still his brain doesn't work as fast as his hands work. 

"God… why do you have to be always so naive, Falan?" Asks Magnus with amusement in his eyes that I chuckled, unable to stop myself because the same thing was running in my mind exactly a moment ago. 

Magnus is too keen of an observer and doesn't miss the smallest thing in anything. That's what makes him the best tracker and analyser. And for a fact I know that he too got the point which I had observed in the morning when the case details were mailed to us. 

"What do you mean?" He asked in his defense voice but one can clearly hear the hesitation in it as if knowing he might be pointed out wrong at any moment. 

"Falu… You need to understand by now that Mag can never be wrong in these small details which most of them miss in the case" I said with amusement in my voice with a sparkle in my eyes by giving a knowing look to Magnus with a smirk. 

Apparently Our friend here Falan hates the nickname Falu as it is some kind of disease. He complaints that it kind of sounds as a female name to him which obviously hurts his manhood. 

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