Chapter 16

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Hello my dear readers,

I am so sorry for not updating it for so long.. I was stuck with my personal business and work that i didn't get the time to write it. But here i am with back to back update with 4 chapters. So enjoy... :P

This chapter is not edited, so there will be grammatical mistakes. Kindly ignore them and enjoy the chapter.


Hredhaan Grover

"Are you sure about this?" Asked Mag one more time before getting down from the car.

We finally reached the Laghari Group with the arrest warrant for Praneel and stood in front of the building while talking to each other.

On the other hand, Falan was waiting for our instructions to go inside and drag him to the office for investigation.

The question he wanted to ask was 'am I sure to take this step with Advika being the CEO of the company'. But I am damn sure to make this happen at any cost.

I want to show her what Hredhaan is for once. If she thinks that she can walk way by acting like that then there is the whole other thing coming in her way. I may have been silent and let her walk away before but not again. This time she is gonna face the brick if she thinks of doing the same.

"Yes. I am damn sure. Let's get to work" I said with a determined voice, making both of them nod their heads and stepping forward to enter inside.

Mag opened the entrance door and walked inside with both of us behind him. He looked like a strict and not to mess with me kind of officer with that look. Not that we are any different here.

He stood in front of the reception and called her to get the attention of her who was busy talking to the phone to notice the person in front of her.

"Yes?.... Oh hi.. How can I help you?" She stammered while gazing at him with recognition from the other day and glanced back to watch the two of us.

"I don't think there is any meeting scheduled with Ms.Laghari today" She said with a confused look and bent a little to check her computer for any meetings.

"Don't worry. We are not here for the meeting" He said, making her attention get back to him.

"Then?" She asked, even more confused with our straight faces.

"We need Mr.Praneel." He said with a dominating voice that she flinched a little.

"We are from the undercover investigation team and we got some leads against him. So we came here to take him for investigation" I said stepping forward and showing her our identity to make my point clear.

I knew by the horrified look on her face that she understood each and everything and I also knew that thick headed woman is not in the office at the moment.

"It would be appreciated if you call him down or else we need to take the action by overselves by dragging him down" I said with a sickly sweet voice that she gulped and nodded her head in agreement.

While she was making some calls to inform them about our arrival, we went back and sat on the sofas leisurely while looking at the office space and the interior of it.

Within a minute I saw Kashvi running towards us in a rush like she just heard some bad news or shocking news. Well I can agree with that. It might be shocking for her to know about our work and entertaining to watch her disbelieving look.

But I want to see her best friend's face when she realizes this truth. What will be her look and how astonishing she looks.

"Hi Hred, hi Mag" She greeted, taking deep breaths by clutching her stomach that Falan gave a funny look in her direction.

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