Chapter 16 - I Almost Died

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Chapter 16 - I Almost Died

Cassie's P.O.V

Finally. We left Harry's Flat on the tenth of January, a whole month after we first arrived. I was overjoyed that I was leaving but someone wasn't. Of course, Marla wanted to stay for a very obvious reason. I gave her the evil eye. She looked at me like I had just ripped out her heart.

As I entered my cozy home, my bags smashed into the cold concrete and I bolted upstairs to my room to sob. I had ideas and thoughts swimming in my mind and had a little time to fix some of my problems; mostly because directioners hatred for me. With mix emotions, being pathetic and all, I started to sniff a little, with a few tears running down my face. My eyes had turned into waterfalls that would not stop.

"I wish I could be reborn," I whispered into the dark room.

Due to my depression, I never left my room. My mom would bring my breakfast, lunch and dinner for me and leave without saying anything. After eating I would just stare at the ceiling or just go and rest. Of course I would bathe brush my teeth and dress into some clean clothes. That was my routine for two weeks. It's about eight twenty when I checked my phone for any missed calls and I had plenty of them; 125 from Marles, 56 from Harry, 78 from Zayn and 105 from Niall. Just seeing his name made my blood cold.

"Maybe he still cares," I said to myself.

I felt my phone vibrating and saw Niall calling again. "Should I answer it or not?" I thought to myself.

I reluctantly answered it, heart fluttering like a bird.

Cassie: He-eello

Nice Cassie. You really know how to play it cool

Niall: Hey Cass. Why did you not answer your phone? I called you 105 times! I was extremely worried. Are you okay?

See Cassie, he still cares about you. Why were you afraid? Silly little you!

Cassie: Actually...............I am not to be honest Niall. I really need to see you.

Niall: Me too. We have a lot to talk about.

*being sarcstic*I wonder what issues we have to talk about Niall. I really wonder.

Cassie: Yeah, okay. Bye.

Niall: Wait Cass!

It better be important Niall.

Cassie: What??????????

Niall: I love you!


Cassie: Bye Niall.

And with that I hanged up the phone. I think I was a little mean/rude to Niall just now. I need to see Niall now, so I grabbed my mom's keys from the kitchen table and bolted out of the house, into the car and drove off into the night.

× 15 Minutes later ×

I am standing in front of Niall's flat thinking if I should ring the doorbell or not.

I said a quick prayer," Lord please do not let me die."

Before I got a chance to ring the doorbell, the door swung open, revealing a shocked, confused and hurt Niall Horan.

"I did not think that you would come tonight," he said.

"Yep. Me neither. May I come in now? It is freezing out here."

Niall moved out of the way and assured me inside his house to the living room. I sat on of the three couches in the house, far from Niall. He did the same. There was this awkward silence between us. I was scanning the walls while he just observed me.

“I'm so sorry Niall for what I have done to you.”

"Yeah but how do I know that you won't do something so stupid like that again."

Now I got angry. I could not contain my angry and hate that I had bottled up inside me any more. He is the one who cheated on me and he has a problem if I do that. No, no, no,no,no!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm totally pissed off!

"You what Niall? You know what? I should have never come here in the first place. I hate the situation you put me in. You make me look like I am the bad person but you are. You're the one who cheated on me first. Did I say anything to you. NO!! Did you have the right to do that? NO!!! I wanted to strangle that bitch when you were smooching all over her. I wanted her dead and gone but you know what I did? I DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING AT ALL NIALL BECAUSE OF YOU NIALL!!! I still care about you, you know. And this is why I flirted with Harry. I started to hang out with him just to get revenge. And I hope you enjoyed it because I did. Don't be a Richard Niall!!!!"

For the first time in like forever I exploded my anger at someone. I did not expect my self to be so vulgar and vicious. I was in total shock with myself that I dozed off into my own world for a few minutes.

When I came back to reality, Niall was in front of me, looking like he could kill the living life out of me. I was so scared of him I couldn't move. His eyes were full of hate and anger.

"I am going make you wish you never met me," he said so bluntly and cold.

Then I kinda regretted that I came here in the first place. Suddenly Niall started to chock me. I put up a great struggle but eventually he  won the battle. I fell to the ground and I was getting unconscious. Then he stopped, which I thought strange. Why did he not finish chock me. My breathing was low, uneasy, eyes were closed and throat throbbing in pain.

I hear Niall's voice saying, "Hello. This is an emergency...." Then I blacked out.

Author's note

Hope you liked the chapter. I made the chapter a lot longer. Comment, Vote and Share. Love you guys!!


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