Chapter 18 - A Broken Heart

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Chapter 18 - A Broken Heart

Cassie's POV

I woke up in my bed with someone holding me tight and I knew who it was. I smiled to myself and I looked at him. He was looking so peaceful like lying down there. I got out of his grip and lightly kissed his lips. I felt him kissing me back lightly.

"Morning Cassie," Niall said in a sleepy tone.

"Morning Niall. How did you sleep?" I asked concerned.

"I slept great because I fell asleep with you."

I blushed a little and he chuckled to himself.  The next thing I know is that he is on top of me, sucking on my neck. I moaned in sweet pleasure as I dig my nails into his back. He continued for a little longer and abused my lips. I was so weak when his body touched mine. I always felt fireworks in my body. I just enjoyed every second with him. He makes me complete.

After that, I went downstairs to have some breakfast and saw two plates of waffles made one the kitchen counter. I was astonished by who made this. I saw Niall walking downstairs and had a big smile on his face.

"I see that you like the breakfast I made?"

"You made this?!?!"

"Yeah and I made some for your mom! She really enjoyed it. I hope you do too."

"Thanks Niall. For everything."

"No problem my princess."

And then I sat to eat my oh so delicious waffles. They really tasted good. I washed my dishes and went to talk to my mom. I was terrified at seeing but but she is my mom after all.

"Mom?" I called to her.

"Come in Cassie."

I entered her bedroom.

"Mom. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about last night. I really am. You can punish me in any way possible. Ground me, take all of my devices, beat me. Do whatever. I feel that I should be taught a lesson."

"Cassie dearie. Come here. Don't worry about last night your handsome boyfriend told me all about last night and in detail. Please don't cry and plus he took good care of me when you two reached home. But just don't run off and you don't tell me where you are heading off? Okay?"

"Okay mom."

I smiled and left the room. I can't believe that went down so well. All thanks to Niall.

× At the Zayn's Flat×

The boys were getting ready to practice for their gig tonight so they ask me and Marla to come over along with Danielle and Eleanor. Perrie sadly couldn't make because she had rehearsals with her band; Little Mix.

Harry started to sing and I knew right away what song it was.


Who's that shadow holding me hostage?
I've been here for days
Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?


I know they'll be coming to find me soon
But I fear I'm getting used to
Being held by you


Oh, baby, look what you've done to me
Oh, baby, look what you've done now
Oh, baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way, oh o-oh
Oh, baby, look what you've done to me
Oh, baby, you've got me tied down
Oh, baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way, oh o-oh

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