Chapter 17 - Emergency Room

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Chapter 17 - Emergency Room

Niall's P.O.V

× At the hospital ×

I was in the waiting room to hear about Cassie's condition. I was so angry and furious that she cheated on me that I ending up chocking her. I feel so guilty about my actions that I got flashbacks of the event not too long ago. I made a decision. If she makes it all right I will forgive her if she can find it in her heart to do the same.

A nurse approached me and I hope she came to talk about my girlfriend's condition.

"Hey sweet heart. What is a fine boy like you doing in a hospital like this?" the young lady said making me feel a little uneasy and extremely uncomfortable.

I could clearly see that she was flirting with me. Plus she looks like a prostitute to me. I could be wrong.

"Ummmm, Hello. I'm Niall. I was wondering if-," I started to speak but that nurse just cut me off.

"Oh. You have such a nice name Niall. I'm Linda and I was wondering if you wanna leave this disgusting and disturbing hospital with me? And I know you will say yes," the girl named Linda said to me.

I was loosing it. So I shouted at her, " I DON'T WANT TO GO ANYWHERE WITH YOU BITCH!!!! ALL I WANT TO KNOW IS IF MY GIRLFRIEND IS ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Linda and everyone else in the hospital was staring at me in fright. I just sat down and cupped my hand in my face, stressed out by the situation I was in. I just started to cry. If I did not chock Cass, I would not be in this damn hospital.

"Mr. Horan," an unfamiliar voice spoke.

I raised my head to meet another nurse's face. She was much more beautiful than Linda by far. She had a bottle and two tablets looking like pain killers in her hand.

"Here. Take this to calm down your nerves," she continued to speak.

I took the bottle and the tablets and gulped it down with the water. I thanked her and she took a seat by me.

"Hello. My name is Christina. I am very sorry about Linda. She has been through a lot lately and tries to hook-up with random men. I deeply sorry and  apologise on her behalf," Christina said in a soft spoken voice.

"It's okay. I'm sorry that I shouted at her. Tell her I said I'm sorry," I told Christina

She nodded.

"Can you check if Miss Cassie Alexander is alive for me please?"

"Sure I can this is why I came in the first place. She is still alive, just a bruised neck that's all. Do you want to see her?"

"Sure do."

I followed her into a lighted room with one bed which laid Cassie. She looked so elegant sleeping there.

"I will leave you alone with her," Nurse Christina said and left the room in silence.

I went and sat on the chair close to the bed. I held Cassie's hand and said to her, "I hope when you wake up that you can forgive me, my love."

Cassie's P.O.V

I heard a faint voice spoke to me. I slowly opened my drowsy eyes and saw Niall. I was so scared to speak. I wanted to get out of this hospital A.S.A.P, away from him.

But somehow I was able to croak to him, "What?"

"I didn't say anything," Niall responded shaky.

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