Chapter 23 - Shit!

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Chapter 23 - Shit!

Niall's POV

*One month after One Direction left for the tour*

In England

"What was I thinking? Sex does not solve my issues! She is surly going to dump me for sure," I said to an empty hotel room.

I was a mess. A total mess. I just slept with some stranger who looked like Cassie and what screw up my relationship in the process just because I was drunk. This has to be a dream. It has to be.

How did I get mixed up with some hoe? Oh! Ouch! My head is aching in pain. All I remember is that I went to a club with Harry and the next thing I know I am in bed with a girl who is not my girlfriend.

A blonde girl with long black hair appeared in the doorway oblivious to what I just said.

"Want to go for round two Nialler?" the girl said in very high pitched tone.

All I want is to be by myself. Alone in misery.


I could not help but to do that right now. My eyes full of tears ready to be released. I was really ashamed of myself. I really miss my Cassie. She is supposed to be my everything.

"Well I am not the one who suggested to go to a hotel to have sex you know? It was all your idea Niall."

"I was drunk for Christ sake. Just get out. NOW!!!"

She did as she was told. The skinny body left my hotel room instantly. I laid in bed thinking what I have done. Tears ran down my precious cheeks. I missed her so much but I had to fuck up. Way to go Niall. I turned on my TV to more news to frustrate me and make me feel horrible inside. My girlfriend had the audacity to cheat on me with her ex? Is the world ending or is it just me.

I can't take it anymore. Anger was boiling inside of my veins furiously. I need pain now! I found a razor blade and starting cutting up my arms. My anger did not cease just yet. I took out the rope I had in my suitcase, please do not ask me how I have a rope in my luggage, and tied it on the ceiling fan. I then I hanged myself. My vision blurred out. I was losing reality. I heard my door banged. I heard the door being banged again. I heard footsteps running to my side. Then........I blanked out.

Cassie Pov

Okay Cassie. Breathe. All you got to do is explain to your wonderful and understanding boyfriend that what is circulating was a little accident and it will never ever happen again. Got it.

Marla is with me and so is Max. Honestly, I love Max but not as much as I love Niall. A mistake happens for a reason. It shows how much you love someone in this case. The morning after the paparazzi incident, I explained to Maxwell that we were no longer an item but friends. Luckily for me, he understood and now I am trying to get Niall back. I wonder how he is doing on tour.

Marla got a call and it was Harry. No surprise there. But after they conversed, he wanted to speak to me. Odd but ok.

"Hey Cassie, um how you feeling?"

"Honestly I feel scared and alone. Why did you ask?"

"I have some bad news.....concerning Niall....."

"He is gonna break up with me. Great! Just what I need."

"Actually. It is a lot worse than that."


"Niall hanged himself. He is in one of the best hospitals in the country. The doctors say that Niall is in a coma. None of us knows why he did so but we are getting a flight for you and Marla to come to London. I'm so sorry."

"Ok......I'll tell her. See you soon. Bye."

As soon as I hanged up Marla's phone, I started to cry. Why would he do that to himself? I could not be the cause of all this. I just cannot be. Marla's skinny arms wrapped around my tiny waist made me remember to breathe. I may or may not have just lost the best, genuine and loving person in the whole wide world. Niall James Horan is my love of my life and if he is not living, what is the point of living myself.

"Marla......Somehow we are going to London to meet One Direction. It is important that we go," I told my best friend while a few tears still ran down my cheek.


"I will tell you on the plane."

We were all set. I talked to my mom in private why I just going to fly from New York to England and being my mom, she understood. I was now on the plane with Marles, 5 hours after I last spoke with Harry Styles, and nervous as hell. Will he make it out of that coma? Will I ever get the chance to say that I am sorry? Will I have to go to his funeral and labelled as the girlfriend who cheated and killed Niall Horan? I was getting a headache thinking of all this ridiculous questions. Nothing is going to happen to my baby. I hope.

"Why are we going to London in such a hurry Cassie? What's wrong?" Marla asked me, breaking me from my trail of thoughts.

"We are going to London because Niall put his damn self in a fucking coma!!!! Goddamn it!!!"

Not another word escaped Marla's lips. I felt bad for shouting at her. I mean it is not her fault. I never could handle stress very well. I knew my father was a hot-tempered person and I kinda inherited that. We landed in London and was greeted by Harry. I apologized for my behaviour earlier and thankfully she forgave me.

As we neared the hospital, my body turned cold. It reminded me when I was in the hospital. I never thought I was going to live. Now it is my time to worry and weep about him.

We meet Louis, Liam and Zayn in front of the room which held my beloved. I don't know if I should go in or stay outside and cry internally. Zayn always understood what I needed when I need it and was not shocked at all when he hugged me for comfort. I just stood there and cried. I thought it was the right thing to do.

After everyone tried to "comfort me", I went into the cold and dark room. I saw a ghost in my eyes but I sadly knew it was Niall. He was paler than usual, all his happy and excited self was sucked out of him. All I ask is for him to wake and perform again. I really don't care if he breaks my heart and dumps me because of what I did. I just want directioners to know that he is okay. I could not bring myself to look at him, so I turned away. I could not lose him. Not now. Not yet. No way.

" I in heaven or is a dream?" I heard Niall's voice whisper in the room.

I turned to my love of my life, my eyes crying tears of joy. He's okay and his sarcasm is sky high today. I lounged forward and hugged him with all my might. I really missed him alright.

" are.......squeezing me too............tight."

"Oh, sorry Niall. I missed you."

"I missed you too. Um listen. I am sorry for making you worry about me. I was just angry."

"Niall. Don't apologize. I'm sorry for cheating on you. I should have just come clean about it. I just kissed him. That's all and we are staying friends. I understand why you're angry."

"No! You do not know Cassie. Sweet heart. I.....I missed you so much that I fucking screw up. I slept with another girl which reminded me of you. I was so upset with myself that I self-harmed. I'm so sorry. You can hit me, punch, kick whatever you like. I'm already in a hospital."

I just smiled at him. I guess we even. I enclosed the space between us and I lightly kissed him. Boy, did I miss those lips. What can I say? I guess I'm addicted. Now I sound like a guy. Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Anyways, it was a good five minute makeout session until the doctor came in.

Author's note

Hey! How are you? Lovely weather we're having. I have missed wattpad so much. I literally came up with crappy chapter. I very sorry for it though. I think I will end this book soon. It has been nice writing this book. Bye xx


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